🖊 An "Uneducated" Whxre, Apparently

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"Thank you so much for this, Hatsume-san!"

I had made my way over to the support course's workshop studio in an attempt to find Mei Hatsume. Hatsume had been given a key to the workshop because PowerLoader had gotten tired of her asking to come in and work on her inventions at the crack of dawn and well after school hours. She'd sometimes spend her entire weekend here, and this weekend was no exception.

"Y'know, I might have to start charging you for how much you make me work," she joked, walking me towards the back where she normally kept her finished "babies".

"Aw, but you love all the work I give you," I chuckled. She laughed as well, shaking her head.

"Curse you for being right, Midoriya."

We continued to the back, making sure not to bump into Hatsume's other inventions or the projects of other support students. That proved to be a slightly difficult task actually. As the year continued on, the workshop just got more and more finished and unfinished projects camped out in various places throughout it. It's a wonder any of them were even able to move around here during class hours.

Hatsume told me to stay put once we were in the back. She rummaged through a small cluster of inventions, moving some off to the side so she could get to the things she made me without breaking anything else. When she walked back over, she was holding what looked like some sort of eye covering.

"You already have everything a costume could look for. Shoulder pads, knee braces, ankle support, iron-toed attachments so you can keep those funky red shoes on-"


"-the air canons, a mask, pouches, everything. But this? This is new. I also have some upgrades for some of your other stuff, but this is the greatest. Which means I'm showing it to you last, of course."

My jaw dropped at the tease. "Wha-" She turned and set the glasses on a table beside her and I made a mental note as to where she placed it. She usually ends up forgetting where she sets things, so I started keeping track for her. Whenever I could, that is.

She held up a different item. It was my mouth guard, but I'm assuming she'd added something new to it.

"Gave this baby an upgrade." Called it. "Before it only filtered toxic gases. Added that cause of the ketchup guy from the forest camp you guys went to." She was talking about Mustard. "Now, my dear test subject, it can seriously dampen the sound of your nonsensical muttering so the villains don't overhear you and catch on to your plans!"

I rolled my eyes at that. "Thanks..." She showed me how it worked. If I swiped my hand over the mask to the right, it gave me the ability to speak as normal, to communicate with my allies, of course. Swiping it to the left moved a few metal plates and muffled me. When I started rambling about the joint training session we'd had with Class B to test it out, Hatsume couldn't hear a thing.

"I modelled it after that purple haired kid's mask. Gave him a voice changer that doesn't distort his voice per say, and I thought, 'Huh, wonder if I could do something similar to silence a person.' 'Cause obviously one of my classmates was annoying me."

Well, at least that jab wasn't directed at me. I think.

"I also did a few tune-ups on your other support gear. Nothing too noteworthy. Tightening screws, recalibrating things, taking the dents out of your armor pieces-" She shot me a glare, "-among other things."

"Can I see the glasses now?" I asked hopefully, bouncing a bit with excitement.

"Ugh, fine," she groaned, grinning immediately afterwards, indicating to me that she was not in fact annoyed with me.

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⏰ Ultima actualizare: Jul 23, 2022 ⏰

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