20. you thought you were safe, as if

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A/N just new chapter coming soon, my college were I do my writing mostly has basically restricted wattpad so most my motivation for writing has been drained as I cant write where I think my most ideas but I'm on summer break now so hopefully I can upload more frequently  but no promises sorry

kota awoke the next morning feeling warm and happy, he had a good dream last night he was living in a house and was about to go to high school with a white-haired girl with a horn he thought was his sister he had breakfast with Izumi and a green-haired man called izuku in the dream he called him dad and finally there was a grown-up Izumi cradling a set of babies one in each arm they were twins they both had green tufts of hair with small bits of blonde peeking through soon after that he woke up next to izumi, still groggy and the dream still in his mind he spoke "good morning mum" he then realised what he said and blushed a bright red when izumi hugged him again "of course I'll be your mother kota I will always be there for you" he started tearing up and hugged her back saying thank you over and over again he was happy to have someone who believed n him who supported his views and didn't constantly put him down "now listen kota I know you may not want to call me mum straight away or you might not but for the moment you can't call me mum when other people are around we have to keep it secret for now" "okay mum" she smiled at this seeing how close he was to her 

"now kota I have to warn you soon my friends will be coming and dealing with the problem heroes and students we will spare the wild wild pussycat if you want" "I dont care" "okay then and I dont want you to go off on you're own okay stick with me when possible kay say you help me train as I move water you create" he nodded "we have to cannon members that is what we call those who arent executives and dont believe in our ideals we call those people who do agree but arent strong enough are called fighters" "I understand" "you see muscular is coming so we will get our revenge" he grinned madly and got excited "YAY thank you mum" "now why dont we get dressed and head outside for breakfast I need to make a call so I'll be in the bathroom for a bit

izumi stepped into the bathroom got changed and then formed a barrieraround her to not let any sound escape so no one overheard her she did this when talking to kota and so she called izuku "her izumi whats up" "there has been a slight change of plans it can still go ahead but things need to change" "okay what happened" "we have a son" "w-w-wait hold on are you pregnant" "no no although if I was would there be a problem" "god no you just caught me off guard" "good, I'm not pregnant though I was  just checking" "so back on topic please explain" "I met this little boy kota he is the nephew of Mandalay and son of the water hose duo" "so?"  "he hates heroes, villains and quirks in general" "poor kid muscular killed his parents if I remember correctly" "yes and so I comforted him and i just got so attached i told him about us being revolutionaries and the LOV or LOR and he wanted in he even called me mum" "aww i cant wait to meet him, so whats the change in plans" "muscular needs to die i promised kota revenge and i will deliver plus him getting his first kill will put him on our side so i need him isolated send him to the cliffs on the other side of the camp its kotas secret spot so nobody would question if he and i were there" "that's possible and are we killing the pussycat" "yes he doesn't care for them but its best to do so anyway incase of any lingering attachments" "got it, anything else" "operation Mitsubachi o korosu is clear to go ahead it needs to be done before they became to much of a problem" "yes that is smart and it will bring UAs reputation down even further"  "I've got to go now so I'll see you soon" "goodbye I love you" "love you too bye" with that  izumi left to go train

she thought it would be a good idea to train kota aswell so today was different she trained her telekenisis by moving the atoms themselves combining the hydrogen and oxygen in them to create water she practiced this with kota who trained in creating water and then manipulating it together they learned to created sharp cresent shapes of water for slicing and needles and swords made out of kota to wield and piece enemy its a useful skill for izumi as well as she can freeze the water, she does practice sepereting the compound as to return the atoms to their natural state but practicing this did have the unintended side effect of being able to tell what atoms are in the area and being able to choke someone by removing the oxygen around them

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