8.UA Entrance Exams and a date - author no - AUTHOR YES

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Izumi Pov

I stand at the entrance to battleground B and look around to size up the competition, there was a kid with a bird head, the girl with the anti-gravity quirk, some french guy(who was staring right back at me) and good old stick boy I do hope the surgery to remove that stick from his ass goes well

when I'm done with my analysis a decision to take the initiative and fly over the gates before they even start to open I hear the other people shouting at my sticky being the loudest and saying that's not how proper heroes should act, the funniest part was when the gate opened present mic "HEROICS WAITS FOR NO ONE THAT BLONDE GIRL HAS THE RIGHT IDEA GO GO GO" I had to hold back a laugh when I saw his face, it was like his whole world came crashing down on him

I start flying over the city and use my telekinesis to crush the heads of the robots, I then decided to have some fun and went up to the robots and sent a telekinetic lance through their heads and other I sent spheres of energy tearing a giant circle sized whole through there heads I was about to destroy a robot when some french prick snipes it from under me, "thank you mon ami we make a great team no" he then proceeded to rush off and so I then went to vent my frustrations wraking up many more points as I decided to sense where some robots were and crush them from a distance wracking up more points, I then found a group of 5 three pointers 3 two pointers and a one pointer, I ducked and dogged through their attacks, then the three pointers fired their missiles at me wanting to weaken me, I, however, took exception to this and decided test if friendly fire was enabled, wow tomura is rubbing off on me more than I thought, I  sped up the missiles and have it target the other three pointers in the area, good the annoyances are gone, I decided to finish of the others in one move so I started to force the robots into the ground turning them into perfect cubes.

Then the whole testing ground started to shAke as a robot as tall as a skyscraper made it's way through, I saw the girl who stopped me from tripping stuck beneath the rubble, I may be a villain but I always pay back my favours and so I move her out of the rubble and secretly fixing her leg ever so slightly and then I determined that this robot was annoying and Zuku-nii decided I should be the top student here at UA so that the betrayal really shakes the hero world, I can see it now DAUGHTER OF ALL MIGHT AND TOP STUDENT OF UA VILLAIN ALL ALONG and  then Zuku-nii will hug me and run his hand through my hair saying he's proud of me, anyway I'm getting sidetracked, knowing this thing is out of my weight limit I decided to make a show and made barriors around it and started flooding the area with my psychic energy quickly increasing the pressure in the area instead of just crush its head slowly and this way I can see it becoming more and more condensed and ending up the size as a perfectly shaped football, I then release the top of the barrier and everything comes flooding out crushing even more robots and when the ball hits the ground it makes a 10m wide crater around it, perfect.

the end of the exam is called so I then fly to the exit and then I head out to see Zuku-nii and I made sure to message father that I was going out don't want to earn his ire that never end well for me
I walk into the LOV Bar And I see Davi and toga but then I see my favourite mop of green hair
I run up to Zuku-nii and tackle hug him "ZUKU-NII" he turns around and hugs me back "welcome back Zumi" he places his on top of my hair and rubs it, it felt so nice, "how was the entrance exam" "It was awesome, I saw so many quirks, I even got to use the new pressure move we came up with" he smiles at me warmly 'he looks so cute' "good job Zumi, and so with that our plan will soon begin" we begin maniacally laughing together, "come on Izumi we need to go see sensei now" "Okay Zuku-nii" and so we head to the back of the bar where Kurogiri is waiting for us

unknown location (but we found it haha)

"Izuku Izumi, come here I have to talk to you" we walk up to sensei, he seems to be in good spirits lately , it must be because tommy-chan is progressing nicely, sensei said last week that in a couple of months he might pass all for one onto tommy "what is it sensei" "well you too have been doing extremely well lately, Izumi for doing well in getting into UA and Izuku for gathering information on heroes and other villains alike, both of you have progressed further in our goals so I have decided to reward you both and this should also help with our endeavours to our plans" we both widen our eyes "for Izuku a quirk that allows you to leave markers on anything you touch and you can then teleport to it, it can be on something as simple as a kunai or as small as a pebble " "that's an awesome quirk I'm so happy for you Zuku-nii" "and for you Izumi this is a mental quirk called parallel thinking, its like there are multiple of you in your brain that can think different things at once, such as while one of you lifts with telekinesis the other can focus on the strength, this will allow you to multitask brilliantly" this is amazing I could also heal and defend at the same time "thank you sensei we will use these quirks to the best of our abilities" "I know you will, I'm proud of you both 'with the constant encouragement they receive from me that they don't get from their own family they will be even more loyal to me, Allmight doesn't even know how much he has screwed up hahahahaha'"

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