◇Chapter 40◇

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We have reached the 40th chapter. Isn't this exciting. We have about 15 or 10 more chapters to go before this book come to a final conclusion. I hope everyone had enjoyed the book so far.

Jin's pov:

"Where did she go?"Dino sob as he lean onto S.coups

S.coups turn to the seven of us. He gesture to the poor sobbing boy that is currently laying on him. I could only sigh and try to think many other possibility where Aera could have gone.

"Home," Namjoon spoke after a while

"What do you mean? She can't be home. There wasn't any portals nearby," Yuna said, looking around

"That's right. Her test about her true love. If she manages to figure out who is her love one, she'll be sent back to complete the second portion of the test," I said after giving much thought

"If that's the case, we have to go to her,"Soobin said, looking at us about to get up

"We can't. The test is for her to go through alone. We could all head back to the castle and wait for her return," Kookie sigh

"NO!!"Dino yelled, getting off S.coups

"What do you mean no? We can't interfere. If we do, it'll just messed things up," I said, calmly to him

"It's my destiny. I'm suppose to be the one. I have to help her...I'm not just her soulmate. I'm her best friend," With that he ran

"Dino, wait!!" Joshua said, running after him

Soon after, everyone in seventeen ran after them. What did Dino mean by it's his destiny. There's more in this story that we don't even know.

"We'll see you at the castle in an hour," Wonwoo said before running off

"Itzy and TXT, I think it's best that you guys come with us to the portal. Your stuff will be shipped there tomorrow. I think its for the best if all of us are in one spot," Hobi told them.

As hobi and namjoon talked to the two groups. I approach suga and jimin. Dino was not the only one that felt stressed out. I gesture jimin to go to his twin and kookie. He nodded his head and left yoongi but not before hugging him a little. I then sat down beside him.

"Are you going to tell me that it's my fault too that I let everyone be consumed by the darkness," Suga sigh, looking  down

"Nope. You're right, it's your fault," I said

"Geez...thanks hyung. What a way to make me feel better," He said, hiding himself

"I'm not done yet. Yes, it is your fault for allowing everyone to be consumed by the darkness. However, it is not your fault for hurting certain people. Dad had warned me about this possibility," I told him

"He did?" Suga questioned, looking up

I continue to stare ahead although I felt his stare. I think it's time to tell him about the truth of his power and his role.

"Yoongi, you're meant to be the king of the shadow knights. Yugyeom was never meant to be their leader. You have the full power but it can be a curse and blessing to have the power of the shadows. Dad told me that once you're old enough, I would have to tell you. As much as this is Aera's destiny but this is equally yours and ours. It's time for the true king of the shadows to take over the throne," I said

"Wait...the actual king of the shadows was dad," Suga gasp

"Yes but things got complicated and yugyeom got the throne," I said

"What else did he tell you?"He ask

"He told me that one day. Each of us will face our elements head on. One way or another during the biggest battle field ever. Someone would use the exact trick that Mark used once again. It's up to you how will overcome it. The exact trick that would either fix or destroy us. Keep it in mind, Suga. You're as equally if not more powerful than that person," I said, getting up and leaving him to his own thoughts

"Jin hyung," Jimin called for me

"Give him time. Let's just go home," I said, begin to make my way back

Let's just hope our pets found Aera and are keeping her safe.


Suga's pov:

"Natasha, I know you're there. Did one of my brothers sent you?"I called out to her

"I would be lying if I said no,"She laughs, nervously

I turn around to see her smiling at me, nervously. I gesture for her to seat beside me. I watch her sat beside me and we remain quiet. It wasn't an awkward silence but a peaceful one. Hadn't had one in such a long time.

"Wanna tell me what had happened?"She ask after a while

"I just found out that I was suppose to be the king of the shadow knights or what its actually known as. The kingdom of shadows," I said

"That's great...may be not..."She said unsure when I look at her

"Yeah, its great news but am I ready? Heck, I allowed the people that is close to us turn evil. Now, Aera is in bangtan kingdom alone or maybe she's with our pets," I sigh, looking up

"Pets?"She questioned

"Yeah, you'll see them later. I have this cute little demon dog called holly. She's adorable and sweet," I said

"Quite different than a typical demon dog,"She giggle

"Hey, she can be fierce too. I remember when kookie tried to get Aera out of her crib. Holly change into a big dog and scared him until bam came save the day. She was the most protective of aera besides her sofie," I huff, remembering the past

"Sounds like a blast back when you guys were kids," She giggle

"It was. I wish it could be like that again," I said, smiling

"It can be. You and the rest of your brothers need to face your own fears. Maybe that's what the current king of the shadow knights want you to have," She said

"Fear?"I said

"If you let fear take you then no one wins. However, if you don't let fear take over, anything is possible," She said, getting up

"Wait...where you going?!?" I said, getting up to

"We're leaving in 30  minutes. I think it's good as any for me to run," She then took of

"HEY!!!" I ran after her, laughing


Dino's pov:

I quickly set my destination and stood at the entrance. Waiting for it to glow. The door then banged open and I turn to see joshua panting. Not to far behind him was the rest. They can't stop me now. I need to be with Aera now.

"Dino, where you going? This is not the bangtan kingdom,"  I hear woozi said

"I know. She's in the forest of the seven," I said as the portal start to glow

"We're not going to stop you but please be safe,"The8 said

"Right. I'll see you with Aera in a few hours," I said, stepping in

Don't worry. I'll be there soon, Aera. Please hold on...


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