◇Chapter 12◇

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Suga's pov:

I could only growl in anger as I watch with Aera's soul the scene in front of me.

"Oppa, what's going on?" Her soul ask

Ah, right. Aera's soul is different as her soul remember who we are. Only her brain doesn't recognise us due to her being young at the time. We're different from humans. Our brain might not remember the lost memories but our soul does.

"I'm not so sure, sis but I'll get to the bottom of it," reassure her as I hold her close to me

I might not be able to do it physically but mentally helps too.

"So, this is the basketball court," mark ask as he smirk at my sister

If I wasn't with her soul, he's a dead man now. Ugh, this is so annoying. Patience suga. When the time is right, you can seek revenge for our parents and aera. For now, bear with the horror show.

"Yeah. Today, they're having a practice for anyone who want to sign up for the team," aera answered nervously

"That's cool. Do you like basketball players?"he ask as he step closer to aera

Oh no, he don't. I immediately pull Aera's soul causing her physical body to step a few steps back. Mark gave a confuse look as I gave a smug look while hugging Aera's soul.

"Umm...no. let's just move on," she said as we left the court

I'm glad that we're moving on from here. Now, what is mark and yugyeom planning? Whatever it is, I'm sure its bad.


For the rest of the day, Aera's been showing mark around the school. Each time he tried to get close, I pull her soul further with me. In which, he was pissed off. He's pissed off face makes me so happy. I'm glad that the tour has ended now and school as well.

"Well, that bring us to the end of the tour and school. It was lovely meeting you. I hope you enjoy the tour. I'll see you around," aera said as she turn around

Yeah...its not lovely meeting him. All I want is aera to stay away from him.

"Hey, you wanna come o-" he was cut off by the three loud maknaes

"Michelle!!!" I heard them shout

Thank goodness for them. I don't know what I'll do if they didn't interrupt. As much as I hate their screams but they're a life saviour.

"Bye, Aera's soul. I'll see you soon," I said as I wave her goodbye

As soon as they're close to me, I merge myself to jungkook's soul. His soul waved hello to me.

"How was it?" His soul ask as I approach him

"Bad. Mark is trying something with aera and the whole school is off. He must have done something to the school," I said

"Well, we were at the principle office. Time seem to have stop there. We saw that the principle was processing itzy papers. That is until we spot shadow knights trying to shred them," kookie explain

"Did you destroy them before they could destroy those papers?" I ask

"Barely but we manage. They're coming to school tomorrow," kookie said, smiling

I smile too as both of us resume watching the scene in front of us.

"Hey Michelle, wanna hangout? We can send you home after," jimin suggest

"Yeah, that would be cool. I'll text my mum first," she said

"Hey, I was just asking her to hang out with me" mark said, angrily

"Oh, I didn't see you there. I thought you were a statue for a minute there," taheyung laughed

Mark only growled before he could pounce on taehyung. Aera look up from her phone and told them that her mum said yes.

"Cool, C'mon. Our ride is waiting," kookie said as he pull her

"Time for me to go. Kookie, bring me to that locker," I said to his soul

His soul nodded his head as all of them minus mark walking past the lockers. I merge myself to the lockers and roam all the way to my car that jin hyung park. I quickly form back to my physical body from within the car.

"Ah, there's our hyung," I heard jimin said

I only groan as I let the four of them enter.

"Hyung, let's go to the arcade," taehyung said

"Don't you have homework to do?" I ask

The three makanes groan as they know that I caught them red handed. I take a look at aera and notice that she was shyly giggling at them.

"Oh, I know. Hey Michelle, wanna come over to our house for a study session instead?" Tae ask

I glare at taehyung but he didn't seem to notice. Jimin and jungkook only gave a disappointed sigh.

"Umm...sure. let me check with my mum again," aera said

With that she took a few steps away from us. My attention is then brought back when I heard jimin and jungkook hitting taehyung's head.

"Ugh, what was that for?" He groan as he rub his head

"That was for inviting her. You know our house isn't ready yet. With all the magic mess that we left behind," jimin points out

I sigh as I let the maknaes continue their bickering. I pick up my phone and start calling jin hyung.

"What up, suga?" Jin hyung ask, pretending to be cool

"Firstly, stop being cool. Secondly, get the house ready for Aera's arrival," I said

"Firstly, I was not. Secondly, what did you just say?" Jin hyung said, shock

"Aera is coming over. The alien told her that she could come over for a study session," I explain

"Ugh, that boy. We just talk to jungkook about this. Fine, we'll get ready but you've got to give us some time," jin hyung said

"Alright. How long do you need?" I ask as I stare at the maknaes talking to aera

"About 1 hour and a half," jin hyung said

"Alright. I'll try to find a way," with that I ended the call

"Who's ready for an early dinner?" I ask them

The three cheered while aera only nodded her head. In the past, she would have join the three screaming too. Anyway, I knew I'm gonna get scolded by jin hyung but who cares. He said that he needed an hour and a half so it should be enough.

Let's just hope nothing bad happens.

Unknown pov:

"It might take long for aera develop a crush with you. We'll have to make the story move along a little faster," he said

"Jackson, you know what to do..."


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