They went to class and had a ton of activities the whole afternoon which left them exhausted, they both decided to go home right away as soon as class ended.

Quinn scrolled through instagram and saw Eunwoo's new posts, he was with a girl, she was very pretty.
"Who the hell is this girl? man she looks so beautiful" Quinn thought to herself but to save her from overthinking, she decided to text Eunwoo.

*TEXT* (Q-Quinn; E-Eunwoo)
Q: hey i want to ask you something, are you busy?
E: no not at all, what is it?
Q: whos the girl ur with on ur new post?
E: she's a new model i've been working with
Q: is she single?
E: are you jealous?😏
Q: yeah i am now answer me
E: relax baby
E: she's single but there's nothing to worry about trust me
E: you're the only girl i love
Q: okay then i trust you
E: i love you, go get some rest
Q: ilyt, good night

"i'm not dumb i don't believe him, its impossible, that girl is literally one of the prettiest girls i've ever seen there is no way he's not attracted to her and they even look good what the fuck" Quinn threw her phone

"oh shit, why did i do that" Quinn instantly got up and picked her phone up, luckily her phone was fine. She went back to her bed and went to sleep.

Crap it's already 9:20 am? i'm literally so late, I got up and got ready real fast and skipped breakfast. When I got to school it was already the third period and the professor made me do 20 push ups, i always hated her but I still had to do what she wanted me to. After my punishment, I went to my seat and did the activity everyone was doing and it was hard as hell I couldn't answer anything but luckily Eunwoo was their to save my ass. He helped me with the activity and I finished in time.
"Thanks you're such a blessing, I'll treat you after class" I said putting my head on his shoulder
"Sorry Quinn I can't later, the photographer needs me to help him train a few models" Eunwoo replied
"Oh i see, it's alright i'll treat you for lunch then" I smiled, i hope he falls for my charms
"And about that, I'm gonna leave after this class, maybe next time?" Eunwoo asked pouting
"Sure" I coldly replied, is he losing interest in me? why do i get this feeling, or is he playing with my emotions
"Baby, i'm sorry, i promise i'll make it up to you next time or tomorrow" Eunwoo replied giving me a kiss on my forehead as I pushed him away
"Don't do that, we're in the classroom that's not allowed" I replied
"Sorry, I got carried away, I love you" Eunwoo replied as the bell rang and man was faster than flash, he left very quickly.
"Are you okay?" Yoongi smiled waving his hands
"Oh hey! yeah i'm great what's up?" I asked
"He loves you, don't worry too much" Yoongi replied
"Well, I guess you read minds now huh" I joked poking his arm
"Don't poke me, anyways we should practice later, I really want us to win" Now he's really motivated I wonder why
"You seem very interested in winning, any reason?" I asked raising my brow
"Nothing, I'm just trying to impress someone and don't ask cause I won't tell you" He's back with the secrets damn
"Fine, I won't ask because i'm such a nice friend" I replied
"Yes you are, let's go eat lunch with the rest" He grabbed my arm and ran downstairs.

We walked towards the table where Via, Jin, and Jungkook were sitting
"I knew it you have a crush on me, sorry but you're not my type" Jungkook joked
"Shut up, in your dreams" I replied slapping his arm
"Stop fighting and sit down" We stopped and somehow managed to listen to what Via says, I don't know maybe she really has the authority
"Calm down Via, i don't like it when you get stressed out" I witnessed how Jin took good care of Via, I must say both of them are really lucky to have each other. He always knew how to calm her down and she always knew how to make Jin happy. Goals i'd say
"I bought you food since you seem busy thinking about things" Yoongi laughed
"Wow thanks, how much do I owe you" I asked
"You don't need to pay me, it's my treat cause you're a great friend"
"Well if you say so" I replied patting his back.
We finished our lunch and went back to class and to cut this part since its pretty boring who cares about classes anyways? just kidding! Anyways, after class Yoongi and I went to his place to practice for the talent competition he wanted to win so bad. We continued to practice through out the week and I barely spent time with Eunwoo since he got very busy with his modeling thing and I got busy with the competition. Eunwoo and I still kept in touch through text messages, facetime, and phone calls and he sent me flowers a few times. This made me think that maybe he's just really busy and nothing else.

"It's our last day to practice, are you ready?" Yoongi asked
"Of course I am" I proudly replied and of course I lied, is he nuts? i've never been this nervous before
"I know you're not" wait can he really read minds now? i haven't eaten maybe i'm just hungry
"Shut up, i'm ready" I replied
"Alright then, i'll go get us something to eat" I knew it he can read minds, He came back with a bowl of salad
"Wow healthy stuff" I said sarcastically
"That's what I have for now, don't worry i'll treat you something tomorrow" He replied

i'm planning to post/update 1 chapter/part everyday or maybe every two days :) i hope you guys are still liking the story so far, feel free to vote/comment, i highly appreciate it tysm ^_^ and always take care and stay safe <3

I love you so - min yoongi /jeon jungkook/ cha eunwoo fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now