Chapter 12

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trigger warning ⚠️
attempted suicide and talks of self harm and depression
I groaned trying to open my eyes slowly. Everything was so bright. I opened them all the way and turned my head to look around slowly. I'm in the hospital. Why am I here? I'm supposed to be dead. Everything was supposed to better once I was gone. I'm supposed to be dead. I was angry, everyones lives were supposed to get better after I was gone. I began to scratch and pull at the bandages that were covering my arms. Ripping them away and scratching the now closes wounds on my wrist until they started to bleed.
Suddenly doctors and nurses barged into the room and held me down. "Calm down, everything will be okay." They tried to calm me down but noticing that it wasn't working the injected something in me to put me back to sleep. Right before the last of my consciousness slipped away I saw Dabi and Shiggy standing in the doorway with tears filling there eyes.

3rd Person POV
Dabi and Shiggy were heart broken at the sight in front of them. There newest member, laying in the hospital barely alive from his own attempts at ending his life. But what hurt the most was how Izu felt as though by ending his life he would make everyone else's lives easier.
For the next few hours until Izu woke up Dabi and Shiggy only focused on how they could show Izu that by him being there made everyone's lives easier. And by how him leaving would make them harder.

Slowly my consciousness came back to me. I looked around remembering that I was in the hospital. I slowly tried to sit up but was stopped as I felt something wrapped around my waist and my wrist. I looked down at them to see the restraints that were holding me down. As everything from the previous awakening of me in the hospital flooded my memory, I couldn't help the tears the welled up in my eyes. Remembering the looks on Dabi and Shiggys face made me feel terrible. I began to cry softly as the tears flowed down my face.

I heard the soft click of the door opening and slowly turned my head to see who it was. Slowly Dabi pushed open the door and walked in followed by Shiggy. They both made there way over to the side of the bed, sitting down in the chair next to it. "Izu you can't leave is." Shiggy began to cry softly as he laid his head down on my leg. "Izu ever since you've joined the league things have gotten better for everyone. Everyone has been smiling more and it happier now. You can't leave. If you did it would only crush everyone." Shiggy soon was a full on sobbing mess. I laughed softly as tears flowed down my face as well. The sight of Shiggy crying made me laugh as well as hurt. Knowing that I caused this pain filled me with regret. But the sight of seeing him, are leader crying was one I never thought I'd see.
"I'm sorry I just thought that if I was gone then everything would get easier for you guys." I felt Dabi hold my hand and give it a gentle squeeze. "If you were gone it would only make things harder for us. We all love you so much Izu your a part of the team now, your are friend, we don't want to lose you." I couldn't help the sob that escaped my lips at his words, I realized just how much I meant to everyone and it helped me to feel better, but I felt terrible for the pain I must have caused everyone.

Time skip to Izu is out of the hospital

Finally the day I got let out of that hell hole arrived. It was so hard to hide from the doctors that I was Izuku Midoriya, the missing kid everyone was looking for. Thankfully no one realized and the only problems I encountered were when the doctor said I sound be held on a temporary psychiatry hold to show if I was stable enough to go home. But luckily Shiggy and Dabi convinced them I didn't need it and after my cuts had healed I was allowed to go home.
So here we are outside the door to the league hideout. I'm to scared to open the door. Knowing I'm going to be tackled by Toga who is going to be an emotional mess. I sigh and slowly turn the handle, barely getting the door pushed open before Toga yanks the door open and jumps on me. "IZU I WAS SO WORRIED ABOUT YOU!" She sobs into my shoulder while I pat he head and slowly make my way inside. "Well I'm okay now so will you get off so  we can go to my room."
With that I spent the rest of the day with Toga attached to my hip. She swears she's going to keep me safe from the voices in my head, by not letting me out of her sight. I had to fight her just to get to the bathroom on my own. Where I discovered the went through and found all of my hidden blades and disposed of them.
I wasn't upset that they did. I'm glad they did, it showed they cared and that was all I wanted. Was for someone to care about me.
925 Words

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