Chapter 11

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Bold- Izu talking to himself Italics-the voice in his head

Trigger Warning this chapter contains talk of self harm and attempted suicide



I woke up to the feeling of someone placing kisses along my face. I open my eyes to see its Dabi. "Morning Izu, Shiggy said your training with Toga today. So wear clothes that cover your body otherwise your going to end up cut up." He smiled and kissed my head before leaving. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I looked over at my desk which had the jar with Kacchan's blood. I smiled and laughed thinking back to his reaction that night. I sighed and wen to my dresser to change to train with Toga. 

I quickly got dressed and made my way to the training room. When I got there I saw Toga and Dabi fighting. Dabi was trying to keep Toga away using his flames, while Toga was coming at Dabi with a knife trying to cut him. When I walked in though it distracted Dabi and he looked over at me, giving Toga the chance to cut him. So she jumped at him and cut his cheek. "Ah fuck Toga!" He groaned and used his flames trying to get her to move away. Toga jumped away from him, but her sweater sleeve caught on fire. She screamed and began trying to get it to go out. 

I couldn't help but laugh from the sight in front of me. Without thinking I activated my quirk as I was laughing. But I didn't realize it until I heard Dabi scream at me "IZU STOP YOUR QUIRK!" I gasped and quickly stopped laughing as I realized what I did. I ran over to them and started to make sure they were okay. "OH MY GOSH!! I'M SO SORRY I WASN'T EVEN THINKING!!" I apologized over and over until Dabi put his hand over my mouth, cutting me off. 

"Stop apologizing Izu, we know you didn't mean to. I'm just glad you heard me and stopped. Fuck your quirk is awful." He groaned while rubbing his head. "Owwie Izu-chan you made my head hurt" Toga whined and pouted. "I'm sorry Toga I didn't mean to." "It's okay Izu-chan! Now lets get to training." She smiled and jumped up grabbing her knife. "Well I'm gonna sit over there and watch. Toga remember no killing Izu, and no you can't have any of his blood." He walked over to the corner of the room and sat down. "Okay lets get started now, come at me Izu."

Time skip to after training

I slowly made my way back to my room after training with Toga. I made my way in my room and to my bathroom. I quickly undressed and started to run a bath. I turned to look in the mirror, when I looked I realized I had cuts all over my body from Toga. "Toga and her damn knife" I sighed "Well at least it didn't hurt to bad" I turned the water off and stepped into the bath, letting the warm water run over all the cuts on my body. I stung a little but to me it felt good. 

You know at least now you look the part for how useless you are. Finally someone realized it and treated you the only way you deserve to be treated.

But Toga and Dabi d-don't see me as useless.. There my friends..

I frowned and pulled my knees to my chest. I'm tired of feeling this way.. I just want it to go away. I hugged my knees tighter as I began to cry softly. My silent crying soon turned into loud sobbing. I tried so hard to be quiet, Dabi's room was next to mine and I really didn't want him to know I was crying.

Your so fucking useless. Look at you crying. Pathetic that's all that you are. So why don't you get out that blade and finally put an end to you being a fucking waste of space. 

Y-your right I am just a waste of space. 

I reached for my blade, feeling the cold metal against my finger tips I picked it up bringing it to my arm. I pushed the blade against my skin dragging it across slowly. The feeling of the cold metal cutting into my skin always made me feel better. But this time it didn't.

Come on now if your going to do it at least make it to when they find you they see just how worthless you are. Cut everywhere. That's what you deserve.

I know it is.. 

I moved the blade down to my thighs and began to cut them. I watched as the red liquid slowly dripped down my thighs and started to mix with the warm water. I smiled seeing the blood trickle down my thighs. One cut quickly turned to two. Two turned to four and four turned into thirty-five. Thirty-five beautiful cuts along both my thighs. I smiled as the water slowly began to turn a shade of pink. 

Good finally your starting to understand. Now onto your arms. Don't forget to cut deeper when you get to your wrist. 

I nodded my head softly and began to cut my arms. Forty new cuts lined my now red arms. As I made it to my wrist I pressed the blade against it, but before I could cut them I heard Dabi come into my room. "Izu where are you? I heard you crying, are you okay? Izu?" I could hear him looking around my room for me. I didn't care though, so I continued to press the blade into my skin, dragging it across my skin. This time I cut deeper into my wrist, causing more of the warm crimson liquid to drip down and mix with the water. 

I began to feel dizzy as I watched the water slowly begin to turn red. I leaned back resting my head agaisnt the wall. I leaned over trying to reach for my phone to message Shoto. But I could grab. I kept trying to reach for it but I still couldn't grab it. Dabi then suddenly knocked on the bathroom door. "Izu are you in there? Hey answer me, are you okay?" He sounded worried. I smiled softly to myself as I began to feel more dizzy. I dropped the blade that was in my hand. Slowly I started to feel tired so I closed my eyes, slowly beginning to let the darkness take over. 

Before I could fully let it take over Dabi busted the door open after hearing the metal blade clank against the floor. He looked around for a moment before noticing me in the bathtub. He quickly ran over to me and grabbed my pulling me out of the bath. "IZU CAN YOU HEAR ME? OH MY GOD FUCK FUCK FUCK! IZU STAY WITH ME PLEASE STAY WITH ME!! FUCK SHIGGY, TWICE, TOGA HURRY BRING YOUR ASSES IN HERE!" I heard Dabi screaming at them to come quickly. I just smiled "Thank you Dabi." I closed my eyes letting the darkness fully envelope me.

"FUCK NO IZU STAY WITH ME! OPEN YOUR EYES! IZU!" Dabi screamed as Shiggy, Twice and Toga ran into the room. "Dabi what the hell do yo- OH MY GOD IZU!" Shiggy screamed when he saw Dabi holding Izu's body covered in blood. "SHIGGY WE HAVE TO GET HIM TO A HOSPITAL HURRY HES BLEEDING BAD!" Dabi screamed and picked Izu up bridle style, while Shiggy ran out and to Kurogiri. Shiggy told Kurogiri to open a warp gate next to the nearest hospital. While in the bathroom Toga was crying, while Twice quickly grabbed a towel and covered Izu's body with it. Dabi ran out of the room and to where Shiggy and Kurogiri were. "HURRY DABI IN THE WARP GATE IT COMES OUT NEXT TO THE HOSPITAL!" Shiggy ran through the portal with Dabi right behind as he carried Izu.

Back in Izu's room Toga and Twice were both balling the eyes out while hugging each other. They cried for hours before finally getting up and going to the bathroom to clean up. Both of them struggled to keep in there tears as they drained and cleaned all the blood out of the bathtub. While at the hospital with Shiggy and Dabi. When they stepped through the warp gate, they quickly started running for the entrance of the hospital. They ran in and began to be surrounded with nurses and doctors.

They quickly explained everything to the nurses as they took Izu from them and laid him on a stretcher.  A few of the doctors and nurse quickly began to rush him back to surgery. As they saw Izu being rushed back for surgery, everything finally started to set in. They both began to silently cry. They told the nurses everything they needed to know, then went to sit down and wait for news on Izu. They sat down next to each other, both still silently crying. They both looked at each other before hugging tightly and beginning to cry harder.




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