chapter two

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It wasn't often that Tim Drake got bored. He was always either drowning in work, patrolling as Red Robin or fighting off the villain of the week's goons. But today, he was beyond bored. And what is a bored Tim Drake to do on a Saturday afternoon? Scour through old Justice League contacts and conversations.

So that is what he's doing.

He finds some amusing videos of various members of the team and then some old missions before he comes across a video from around one and a half years ago. It had been opened but not responded to. His curiosity peaked and he opened the video. He saw a girl with a black domino mask and a hood almost glaring at the camera with a masked boy in a catsuit beside her.

"Hello, Justice League!" The cat-boy was grinning and waved at the screen. The girl beside him sighed. She seemed significantly more resigned than the blonde boy beside her.

"This will be the last time i reach out. This isn't a joke. Paris is in a bad spot right now, to say the least. The akumas are getting worse. I'd appreciate an answer. Bug out."

The video cut out there and Tim wasn't sure what to do. He filtered the videos and when he was done he found a total of 4 results. They all had the bluenette girl in them but he had no idea who she or her partner were. In the first one, the girl was distressed and looked notably younger as she told them they didn't know what they were doing but the boy seemed quite content. Dated 5 years ago.

The second video showed the pair on what looked like the Eiffel Tower. The boy was scowling at her and refused to speak the whole time as she asked for outside assistance rather than the help she asked for originally. Dated 4 1/2 years ago.

The third video was of just her. Her eyes were wide as she explained a recent attack. His heart lurched for the girl. She looked haunted as she spoke of people drowning and begged for at least an answer to her messages. She even told them she understood if they didn't want to get involved but to please reach out to her.

That was about 3 months before the fourth one, the one he had already watched. He forwarded the videos to Barbara before leaving the tower and heading home.

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