Girl Meets Lies

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Corry: Alright Lucas why are you acting this way?

Lucas: Because she kissed my girlfriend!

Riley: It didn't even mean anything!

(Maya looks down sad)

Lucas: To her it did!

Corry: Look Maya did a bad thing, I think that message is clear now. Don't you think if Riley felt something for Maya she would've told you? She told you immediately that Maya kissed her, doesn't that prove her loyalty.

Lucas: Riley do you have any feelings at all for Maya?

(Riley looks at Maya)

Riley: N.. no

Lucas: Alright than, I trust you

Corry: good, see that wasn't so hard

Lucas: I'm sorry Maya..

Maya: Me too.. (leaves)

(Lucas and Riley leave)

Farkle: So this is how high school ends?

Corry: I'm afraid so

Farkle: We need you in College cheekbone

Corry: I'll visit.. someday

(At the bay window)

Riley's POV.

I looked Lucas in the eye and told him a lie. I'm not sure why I lied. Maybe it was to get him to stop acting this way or maybe it's because I'm still in denial of what I really feel. I know I hurt Maya by saying it didn't mean anything but what was I supposed to do?

We have now been sitting in the bay window for almost twenty minutes without talking. Neither of us have said a single word. The silence is deadly.

Maya: Why did you lie?

Finally one of us talked. Maya's voice breaks the never ending silence. What do I tell her though? The truth? Or another lie?

Riley: What?

Maya: You said you have no feeling for me but when we kissed I felt something and I know you felt it too

Riley: I didn't lie

Maya: Okay, than look me in the eye and tell me you didn't feel anything at all when I kissed you

(Riley looks at Maya)

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