Girl Meets Chaos

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(The next day in school)

Lucas: Hey Riley (hugs Riley and wants to kiss her)

Riley: (Pulls away) Hey you

Lucas: So did you talk to Maya?

Riley: Ouch you

Lucas: Is that a yes or a no?

Riley: It's a yes and Lucas.. Something happened

Lucas: Huh?

Riley: Maya kissed me

Lucas: What?!

I figure the best thing to do right now is to be fully honest with Lucas. It wouldn't be fair if I didn't tell him about the kiss. Especially since I'm still not sure hoe I feel about it. Besides I know Lucas he won't make a big deal out of it now that I'm honest at front.

Riley: Yeah and I don't know how to feel after that

Lucas: I know how I feel

Riley: What? Lucas are you mad?

Lucas: Of course I am Riley!

Maya: (Walks to her locker)

Maya's POV.

Lucas: You kissed my girlfriend?!

Maya: Excuse me?

Lucas: You've heard me! (smashes Maya's locker)

Maya: You think I'm scared of you ranger rick?!

Lucas: You should be

Maya: Is that a thread?!

Lucas: I want you to stay away from Riley

Riley: Lucas!

I can't believe Riley told Lucas about our kiss. Well I actually expected it but I didn't expect him to react this way. Who does he think he is to tell me I have to stay away from my best friend. I mean I get that he's upset but this is ridiculous and I'm not doing it. He's not the boss of me or Riley.

Than again I really don't wanna get in between Riley and Lucas. I can't do that to her.

Lucas: I mean it! I don't want you near her until this whole thing blows over

Maya: You can't tell me what to do

Riley: Lucas you're not the boss of me, besides Maya and I will be sharing a dorm room at college so how about that?

Lucas: If you do that than it's the end of us

Riley: What?

Lucas: I can't trust you when you're alone with Maya

Riley: Lucas I.. are you asking me to choose between you and Maya?

Lucas: Yes, in this case I think I am

Riley: Well than I'd choose..

Maya: No! I don't want to come between you two, I'll go to a different college

Riley: No Maya you don't have to (turns to Lucas) if you really love me, you'll trust me even with Maya around

Farkle: What's up folks?

Maya: Riley is right, I know what I did was wrong Lucas but the fact Riley immediately tells you shows how loyal she is to you and if you can't see that, you're not worthy of her love

Lucas: Excuse me?!

Farkle: What's going on here

Maya: I kissed Riley, it was wrong and I'm sorry for it. However Lucas here doesn't trust me with Riley anymore and so we can't be together according to him

Farkle: Lucas is this true?

Lucas: (Looks at Riley, than at Maya and back to Farkle)

Maya: I thought you were better than that (leaves)

As I'm walking away I hear Lucas breaking up with Riley. It's all my fault yet she's still standing up for me, risking her relationship. I don't get it, am I really more important to her than her boyfriend? And shouldn't that be a good thing?

No I can't help feeling guilty about the whole situation I shouldn't have kissed Riley.

Riley's POV.

I can't believe the way Lucas is behaving. This isn't like him. I get that he's hurt but this is insane. Telling me to stay away from my best friend and threatening to end our relationship because of one stupid kiss.

I can't lose Maya, so if this is really how he wants it he'll get it.

Riley: Lucas I'm sorry but there's nothing and no one that can keep me away from Maya not now not ever

Lucas: Fine than, we're over (leaves)

Riley: (Looks at Lucas and tears up)

Farkle: Are you okay?

Riley: I'm fine.. (leaves)

(In class)

(There's a lot of tension between everyone)

For the first time ever I want to ditch class. I feel like crying. My boyfriend just broke up with me because of my best friend. I don't blame Maya though. She was wrong but she apologized to me and to Lucas. She was even ready to go to a different college just to safe my relationship, how could I be mad at that?

Maya's POV.

Corry: Good morning class, ready for your last day of school?

Maya: Yeah ready for it to be over

Lucas: I'm sure you are

Maya: Lucas stop, it's bad enough I had to keep this secret for Riley all this time without you acting like a jerk!

Lucas: Hey I'm not the one kissing other peoples girlfriend!

Riley: Lucas!

Maya: You did not just do that!

Sarah: Are you gay?

Maya: Shut up

I get that he's hurting but Lucas took it too far this time. He practically outed me in front of the whole class. It feels like someone punched a whole in my heart.

I wasn't ready to fully come out, in fact my mom doesn't even know yet and he just yells it through the classroom?! I'd love to punch him in the face right now. I've had it with him. My anger is boiling up and so is the pain.

Lucas: Yeah Maya, are you?

Riley: Lucas stop!

Maya: That's enough I don't have to take this from you!

Corry: Alright class is over, except for you four

(Everyone leaves)

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