Girl Meets Feelings

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(In Riley's room)

It feels as if it now just hit me how much I love Riley and how impossible it is to be with her. Seeing Riley in that dress looking more beautiful than ever made my heart beat jump. At the same time I felt like crying. Seeing that "I'm so in love smile" and knowing I could never give that to her. I want her to be happy I really do, I just wish she could be with me.

I think it's time to tell her how I really feel but I'm too scared. It'll change and maybe even ruin what we have. I don't want to lose her..

Maya: (Stares absently ahead)

Topanga: Hee

Maya: (Rubs her eyes dry and sobs) hey

Topanga: Are you okay?

Maya: I'm fine

Topanga: No you're not

Maya: No I'm not

Topanga: What's wrong Maya? You've been acting different

Maya: She's gone..

Topanga: Hee she's just on a date she'll come back

Maya: Yeah now it's a date, dates lead to boyfriends, which leads to third wheeling, which leads to leaving (sobs)

Topanga: Maya she's not gonna leave you, she loves you

Maya: No she doesn't!

Topanga: What? Yes she does

Maya: No she doesn't, stop saying that!

Topanga: Come on, speak!

Maya: I can't, it'll ruin everything, forget it I'm just gonna go (leaves)


Maya: (Takes some books out of her locker)

Farkle: Here you are, didn't you get my text?

Maya: Oh hi..

Farkle: Hee are you okay?

Maya: I'm fine (closes her locker) I just.. had a lot of homework to catch up to

Farkle: Homework? You? Please

Maya: If you're here to make fun of me than go!

Farkle: Maya? I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you feel bad

Maya: Just leave me alone (leaves)

(In class)

Corry: Relationships, something really important yet really difficult. Soon you'll all go to college and relationships will chance, you'll meet new people or maybe fall in love

Riley: (Whispering) Were have you been all weekend?

Maya: (Whispering) I was at home

Riley: (Whispering) why didn't you answer my texts?

Maya: (Whispering) I didn't felt like it, okay?

Riley: (Whispering) What? Why not?

Maya: (Whispering) Can we please just focus on this class?!

Riley: (Whispering) Okay.. I guess..

Corry: Okay so when a boy and a girl fall in love what do they do?

Maya: They ditch their friends and break each others heart?

Riley: What?!

Corry: Uh no.. good try though

Riley: What's that supposed to mean?!

Maya: Not everything is about you!

Corry: Girls is everything okay?

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