Girl Meets The Truth

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(At the bay window)

Maya: Riles we're best friends, right?

Riley: Of course, why would you ask me that?

Maya: Because I'm gonna tell you something and I need you to promise me you won't leave me

and you'll still love me either way

Riley: Maya..

Maya: Promise me it won't change anything between us

Riley: Of course, nothing can ever come between us

Maya: (Bites her lip) I..

Riley: (Takes Maya's face and pulls it close) Nothing will ever come between us

Maya: (Kisses Riley on the lips)

Riley: Wow

Maya: Sorry I just really wanted to do that.. (looks away)

Riley: You're.. in love with me?

Maya: Yes Riley I like you, I have for the longest time I just didn't know how. Now I do but I have no chance because you're with Lucas. And I don't know how to handle my feelings because every time I see you with him it reminds me of what I'll never have. Which is yet another disappointment I have to burry in my deep dungeon of sadness and ballerina's

Riley: Damn Maya I don't know what to say..

Maya: Please don't leave me

Riley: Of course I won't

Maya: How will it work Riley? I have feelings for you but you don't like me back that way

Riley: I don't know what I'm feeling right now

Maya: Neither do I..

Riley: Are you okay?

Maya: No.. that just now, was the scariest thing I've ever done

Riley: I'm proud of you for doing it anyway

Maya: Can I sleep over?

Riley: Of course

(Maya lies down in Riley's bed. Riley lays down too)

Riley: Maya?

Maya: (Half asleep) Hmm?

Riley: What are you?

Maya: I'm a Maya

Riley: No I mean your sexuality

Maya: Don't know, haven't figured it out yet but right now I'm into a girl that's all I know

Riley: I love you

Maya: Please don't say that..

Riley: But I do

Maya: (A tear rolls down her cheek)

Riley's POV.

Maya has already dosed off, I'm however wide awake. I'm trying to wrap my head around what Maya just told me. She has feelings for me and she even kissed me.

I don't know how to feel after that, I'm with Lucas but I deep down enjoyed Maya's kiss. What does it mean? Have I been into her all this time? Or is it just the confusion of her liking me?

It's Always Been You (GMW FanFic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें