🤍 t h i r t y o n e 🖤

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Jisung smiled to himself as he put his phone into his small bag. He really loved the way Minho was towards him. Since the two began dating, Minho had gotten even closer to him. He was even more caring and not to forget... he used more pet names. Most of them being 'darling', 'my love', 'bubs', 'baby', 'hannie', 'my squirrel' and even more. The older had gotten much warmer not only on the inside but on the outside too. His anger was pretty much not even there. His employees were happy that their boss finally got to calm down and now he didn't have to get mad all the time. Basically, Jisung had made his life better. The life he used to live was good but not amazing. He was happy to have his soulmate by his side but now Jisung is not only his soulmate but he is Minho's boyfriend. The little squirrel he loves soo much. Jisung is the puzzle piece that was missing. Now that Jisung fully came into Minhos life, the puzzle has been completed. However, there's still quite a lot to go for.

Jisung finally arrived to blues café after driving for fifteen minutes. He was tired but at the same time the boy was going to meet up with a ball of sunshine, a full of energy ball of sunshine to be more specific. He was just happy thinking about it already. As he walked inside the café, a feeling of warmth engufled the younger. He looked around for a free table and he found one in the corner next to the big window, the boy smiled to himself as he made his way to the free seat. He sat down and allowed his body to relax, also allowing his muscles to take a break from all the walking, driving and running he had to do. The café gave the young boy a feeling of safety, the pastel coloured walls and the decorations around gave him the feeling of home. He felt tired and drained, the homey-feeling of the café didn't make the situation any better, he was slowly falling asleep. His eyelids closing and opening every second, his voice groggy and raspy as if he actually just woke up instead. The warmth in the café made the younger even comfortable as he hid his face in his palms and closed his eyes. Promising to himself he won't fall asleep before his bestfriend arrives. "Yes..jisung..you..won't..fall..asl-" oh no. The younger softly snored as his body relaxed.

felix pov

I was excited to know that Ji was able to meet up so i got extra ready. I took with me my headphones and went outside of my dorm. People were shouting and screaming which was annoying but luckily i had my headphones to block out the loud sounds. At the moment a song that Channie hyung composed started playing and without realising my body started swaying to the calm rhythm of the song. As i walked to the café near my dorm, i saw many people with flowers and chocolate. Some alone and some with what i think would be their partners. Some were smiling, some were crying and some.. well? They were arguing. Looks like not all couples are happy all the time. Lix focus. I found myself smiling at the thought of my not exact twin sleeping in the café. Reason being that the specific café gives off a very warm and soft along with comfortable feeling. You can easily fall asleep there. Knowing Ji, he probably fell asleep waiting for me. I'm not going to blame him though, he was tired anyways.

After a few minutes i finally arrived at the café. The exterior was detailed. It had vine leaves hanging down onto the small chairs surrounding the entrance. The walls of the building were painted in a yellow and orange flame like pattern. The door had small drawings on it and a "Welcome" sign along with another "Open" sign on it. I smiled looking around, wondering if my twin arrived yet. Looking around, i saw a squirrel boy through the glass window. I just giggled as i saw someone next to him trying to wake that sleeping boy up. I smiled brightly as i made my way to the entrance, opening the door. That was followed by a small ring noise which made the waiter trying to wake Jisung up look at me. He looked desperate for some reason. I smiled as i made my way to them. "I can take it from here" i said, smiling once again. The waiter nodded as before leaving, he handed me over a small menu. I sighed happily as i sat down across from Ji. His snores began to get louder as i was going through the menu. I didn't want him to feel embarassed so i started shaking him. That didn't work. I then went to his side and started tickling him. Didn't work either. I then started to shake him more agressively. Once again, it didn't work. "Wow this boy is very tired" i said to myself as i huffed. Then.. an idea came to me. I took out my phone and texted the one and only person who could actually, hopefully, help.

crimson red |minsung| ♡जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें