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"hannie" i hear my name being called in a soft voice.


3rd person:

everybody was watching them, mouths open and groans were heard easily. to them it felt like some scene out of a fanfiction. how could a CEO just appear out of nowhere, hug a student and wipe his tears?  especially as the CEO is very well known and also used to be the most popular student in the college.

as the boys were looking into eachothers eyes a random girl just shouted.

"OMG IS THAT LEE MINHO?!" then everybody came back to reality and saw that the person wiping te young boys's tears was the Lee Minho everybody admired and wished they could date.

"THE MAN IS AMAZING" and they kept going and going but the two were still stuck looking in eachother's eyes that they didn't even realise people had gathered around them.

"hey yo, han jisung right?" a girl asked with an attitude that would have made everybody smack her but obviously nobody did.

finally the boy had realised what was going on and went back to focus on reality still being held by the older.

"umm, yes that's me why?" the younger asked confused as to why she was acting soo picky and annoying.

"well then i suggest you let go of minho because the only person that can hold him like that is me" she said proudly and everybody could hear felix facepalming himself, it made the younger snort and unfortunately... she heard him.

"YA, WHAT ARE YOU LAUGHING AT?!" she said clearly pissed at han for snorting at his friend.

"sorry about that, um it was just the fact that felix was being a dork" han said laughing in between and everybody was just laughing as they found it funny too.

"YA, STOP LYING YOU WERE LAUGHING AT ME NOT AT FELIX!" she now shouted clearly pissed which from the looks of it wasn't funny just annoying.

"what no, I didn-" han got interrupted by the girl slapping his hand off of minhos. han looked at the girl with now fully and properly confused eyes, he looked as if he felt the girl crossed a line she shouldn't have. and it's true.

minho frowned, it was obvious he was mad. he then glared at the girl in front of him and just told her

"I suggest you leave first and not turn back around before I slap your hands off  your scholarship, not like you deserve one." the older said with a very serious look on and a very obvious pissed tone.

what minho said basically meant "piss off before you wake up with no allowance and bills to pay"

everybody looked as shocked as han looked. the younger was surprised he didn't even realise the action he was doing.

han pov:

when I heard what minho said I was shocked, I had no words and I didn't know what I was doing.

soon I felt myself tug on his sleeve with a pout on my face. I cursed myself knowing that i'm basically embarassing myself in front of the whole college.

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