Chapter 17. You Know the Price

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Kakashi really did manage to complete the mission in record time, applying all his skills and experience into it, and by noon of the fourth day he was already standing in front of the Hokage, eager to report.

Listening to him, the latter eyed him in a peculiar manner. Very peculiar. Kakashi was tempted to ask what was wrong, but his thoughts involuntarily constantly turned in a different direction, so as soon as he had finished, he hurried to take his leave, however first, amazed at his own impudence, asking for a day off the following day. Lord Third somewhat absentmindedly granted his request, which surprised Kakashi, and finally dismissed him.

When Kakashi got to his house, he was greeted by emptiness. He did not pay the slightest attention to this, deciding that, most likely, Arina was immersed in the library again, or even at the Academy — he had already, oddly enough, almost resigned himself to this — so he nonchalantly went to the shower, intending to find her immediately afterwards: he decided firmly that from thereon he would live here with her, and he would not have it any other way. Only when he returned to the living room area again, wiping his hair with a towel, and finally looked more closely at the previously ignored folded sheet of paper lying on the table forlornly, was he seized with a bad feeling and remembered the strange look of the Hokage.

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On that day, some residents of Konoha had the pleasure of witnessing Kakashi in an intriguing form again: without the usual equipment, he swept rapidly first towards the Hokage's residence, and then in the opposite direction — this time accompanied by Pakkun.

Lord Third diligently fulfilled Arina's request and refused to disclose the girl's whereabouts. To Hiruzen's considerable surprise — apparently, he didn't know him that well after all — Kakashi did exactly what was supposedly completely out of character for him: he summoned Pakkun right at the Hokage's office and was off in a flash.

Left alone, the elderly man rubbed his temples and complained that he was already too old for these youthful passions, but almost immediately a mischievous smile appeared on his face.

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Arina was walking briskly along the road. Although it was way past noon, the sun was mercilessly burning, coming out from behind the trees and hanging right over the road behind her back. It seemed that she was going to make it to the first settlement on her way before dark, and so, after a little thought, she decided to turn off the path and take a little rest, or even refresh herself — a lake sparkled and shimmered beckingly in the gap of the trees ahead.

Soon Arina passed the last tree on the way to the shore and stopped, looking around to make sure that there were no other admirers of solitary bathing nearby. She took off her backpack and rubbed her shoulders, stretched with pleasure. She then decided to go to the water and even began to undo the belt of her dress. However, she had barely taken a few steps forward when she thought she heard some rustling behind her.

Arina stopped and looked around abruptly, but there was no one and nothing there. She immediately thought about the mysterious 'escort' Hiruzen had mentioned — they had not shown themselves so far, and she was already relieved to think that she was allowed to leave alone after all. Apparently, going for a swim was out of the question...

Arina readjusted her belt with a sigh. Feeling a little silly, she adressed the thicket behind her:

"Hello?.. Perhaps you could show yourself? If we are going to travel together... This is a bit awkward, you know..."

There was no response, nor any movement. Arina shrug her shoulders. Well, she could at least soak her feet a little. Still looking suspiciously over her shoulder, she continued her way forward and suddenly almost crashed into a motionless tall figure.

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