Chapter 8. Condition Number Three

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It was only natural that all these snatches of sleep during the day affected the night's sleep. Besides, it was unusual for Arina to sleep in the open air. As a result, she tossed and turned half the night, more or less fell asleep towards the morning, but still woke up at sunrise, as soon as the first birds began to sing.

She was lying snuggled up against Kakashi's side cosily, her head on his chest. His right hand was wrapped around her and rested on her shoulder. And that seemed so natural, as if they had been together for a long time already. The girl instantly broke out in a sweat at this thought and the remnants of sleep left her rapidly.

She looked up at Kakashi. He was lying on his back and his head was turned slightly to the left. His silver hair, not held up with a headband again, was scattered in all directions. His left hand was slightly covering his forehead and eyes, as if he was hiding from the sun, which, however, had not appeared yet. At that moment, he looked almost vulnerable, although there was a thought somewhere that the impression was deceptive. However, this thought was quickly overtaken by another one.

Arina raised herself slightly on the elbow and Kakashi's hand slid off her in a relaxed manner

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Arina raised herself slightly on the elbow and Kakashi's hand slid off her in a relaxed manner. She slowly shifted a bit higher, almost hovering over Kakashi and stretched out her hand towards his face cautiously. Her heart was pounding wildly. His mask was like a magnet for her. However, the moment she had already touched the edge of the mask, feeling the warmth of his skin and the rough edge of the fabric beneath her fingertips, her wrist was suddenly seized by his hand. She saw his eyes fly open, he glanced at her rapaciously without turning his head, and suddenly her world turned upside down.

She was already lying on her back, whereas Kakashi, in turn, was hovering over her. His hair was almost touching her forehead. There was no hint of sleep on his face — he was alert and radiated danger. For some reason he reminded her of a wolf — a mature wolf. Now he was gripping both of her wrists above her head, with just one hand. It seemed to her again that his left eye was phosphorescing red.

Arina squirmed and feebly tried to put into action the plan 'if he even tries to poke his nose at her', but Kakashi seemed to have predicted her move and the knee did not reach the target. He chuckled condescendingly. She immediately gave up trying to resist. Kakashi softened his gaze a little.

With his free hand, he painfully slowly removed the strands of hair from her face, then, looking down at her meaningfully, gently stroked her cheek with his knuckles and finally touched her lips with his fingertips seductively. She barely restrained a convulsive sigh and stared at him with wide-open eyes. Her heart was about to jump out of her chest. That was it. Game over. But the worst part was that the fear was mixed with a completely inappropriate sensation in her lower abdomen, which especially intensified when he touched her — and that had scared her perhaps even more.

Kakashi, meanwhile, leaned even closer, tickling her with his hair and nearly touching her lips, but at the last moment shifted slightly to the side and spoke earnestly almost in her ear:

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