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As we got farther and farther into the movie, I was laughing even harder. The guys pretending to hate the movie when they secretly enjoyed watching it together. I think Pony genuinely really likes Cinderella as much as I do.

Right as we got to the part where the evil step mother locks Cinderella in the room, there was a loud crash of thunder and just like that, the electricity went out.

Steve and Two-Bit began screaming like a girl and laughing.

"Right at the good part." Soda grumbled softly.

"Now come on guys, it should come back on any second." Darry said, trying to get everyone to be quiet.

The thunder only started getting louder and the lightning cracked even more. Rain was pouring down harder.

"It's gonna storm the rest of the night." Steve informed. "What the news said."

"Hopefully it'll blow over by morning." Darry shrugged while looking out the window with his arms crossed.

"Great, i'm stuck in here with all of you for the rest of the night." I teased.

Darry and Sodapop went into the other room, and brought back a few candles.

"Anyone got a lighter on em?" Soda asked.

Dally tossed Sodapop his lighter. Soda carefully lit each of the candles. A few in the living room, and a few in the kitchen. None of us were tired, so this was going to be a long night.

Steve was standing outside, watching the storm. He had his hands on his hips, holding a dad stance. He poked his head inside and started shouting.

"Hey look Soda, there's a twister outside!" Steve yelled.

"There's no tornado Steve, get back inside." Darry huffed. I laughed at them.

To entertain ourselves, we decided to build a fort in the middle of the living room. As soon as Darry heard that idea, he rolled his eyes, went to his bedroom, and shut the door to go to bed.

Sodapop, Ponyboy, and I went to make a chocolate cake. As we were mixing the batter, Steve and Two-Bit kept trying to eat it.

Soda playfully slapped Steve's hand away from the bowl when he tried to swipe some frosting. It ended in a play fight in the middle of the kitchen floor. So while they were fighting, Ponyboy and I finished baking the cake.

While the cake was in the oven, we went back inside the fort, and read a book by the candle light. Dally was bored out of his mind, playing with his switchblade in the armchair. Johnny was just lying on his back and staring at the ceiling.

Steve and Sodapop were still fighting, Two-Bit was mixing random things together with beer and taste testing, and Darry was still in the other room, yelling at everyone to be quiet every now and then. All ontop of the sound of the storm.

We finished our cake, and it was gone within half an hour. Finally Two-Bit suggested we play drunk truth or dare. Probably not smart, but we were bored enough.

Besides Two-Bit and occasionally Dally, none of us drink often. It was only special occasion, especially for Pony, Johnny, and I. But we agreed anyways.

We each took a swig after we gathered in the fort. Johnny had to drink ketchup, I had to put ice down my shirt and undergarments for 30 seconds, Two-Bit ran outside naked, Soda dumped a bucket of ice water on him, Dally had to ask a neighbor to smash an egg over his head, and of course he went to one of the elderly neighbors, Pony had to kiss me infront of the guys cause they wanted to embarrass him since we don't typically do pda. And finally, Steve had to go outside and scream fire over and over.

A few minutes later, we heard sirens outside. We crowded around the window to see what was going on. Someone in the neighborhood had actually called the fire department. We all fell to the floor laughing, not only at the fact the fire department came, but because of each other's laughs.

We started smacking pillows against each other and hitting everyone in the face. The living room became a pillow fight battle field. A whole war zone.

Darry came out of his room with a pillow, shouting, "Well if you can't beat 'em, join em." and joined in on our pillow fight.

I'm sure he was getting tired of all our noise anyways. So might as well join in right? Suddenly, we were inturupted by a huge crash. We tried to figure out what it was till Darry went outside and said a tree fell down.

Eventually, we all grew tired, and sat in the fort again. I laid close to Ponyboy. We made conversation here and there, and small talk until we all fell asleep to the sound of the storm.

The Ticket of Goodbye- The Outsiders - PonyboyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora