Red Half Mask by Vitalina Buhaiova

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Chapter 8

   For everyone, this week was different.

   It seemed to Will that the minutes had turned into long hours, hours into days, and the week seemed like a month. The most difficult moments were at night when Will mentally broke all his rules and thought about: "What if Camila gives up the world in which he lived? And how many of his own rules is he willing to break to leave her forever with me? Is he ready to completely stop to be Dominate for here sake?"

   For Camila, this week was completely different. It seemed as if time was running away from her at a breakneck speed and no matter how she chased him or tried to stop him, it ran even faster, leaving no opportunity to think over the correctness of the choice made that evening from which it began this week's countdown.

   For everyone week passed in its own way, but the truth is that the time has not changed, only them both have changed.

   The words of two completely different people collided together. The choice has been made, but which one? To intertwine two worlds in one or not? What will remain in the end? Could it be that Will's world it simply destroying Camila's world?

   So that no choice was made and Camila did not want to change it, she just wanted to think it over. But do her thoughts change anything? Of course not. Her world has already begun to crumble. It her head was her own city, which began to die. People disappeared, houses collapsed, roads filled with soulless ghosts, and Camila just tried to run away, but it was as if she got lost and everyone turned to the same place, and then she ran away again. Everything she touched, everything she looked at turned into a gray stone, while in the world of darkness and rules where Will lived, her roses sprouted from concrete.

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