Red Half Mask by Vitalina Buhaiova

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Chapter 6

   The further Camila got away from the hotel, the easier it was for her to breathe, she already knew for sure that she would never see Will's face again. Does the thought upset her? Camila herself did not know that she was feeling all that she wanted was just come to home and wash off all fear from herself and return to her old life.


   Entering The house and slamming the door behind her, she felt as safe as possible.

   Taking a deep breath and closing her eyes, Camila threw off the dress from her tired body, despite the fact that it was very light, it seemed to her as if she had taken off her huge chains that had been chained all morning. Camila went to the bathroom, more than anything in the world she wanted to take a shower, she just wanted the water to cool her body in a stream and take all her experiences with her, but this did not happen, the water only freed her mind and allowed Camila only remember all the details more clearly, and especially that she missed one detail. The red half mask, it was nowhere to be found, Camila examined the whole house, even those places that she did not approach this morning. Camila did not understand: "How could she forget about the mask and where could she leave it? Maybe she fell under the bed at night? Or she lost it somewhere?". As Camila didn't try to remember, she simply couldn't, and at the moment of this realization, started share hot tears from her eyes, all that Camila could hope for now is that Will simply forgot all about it.

   She consoled herself with her own thoughts. Camila perfectly understood who Will was, he is not a simple rich man, he is much more than it seems at first. Going straight into the hall, she saw exactly him, a man in gray in a crowd of girls who were frankly not interested for him. He was the only one who was in control when she entered. He looked like the man from the novels, but this similarity had a flip side, like all the men in the novels that the girl read, and all she wanted now was for him to remain this man from the novel, but only for one night. Just a beautiful knight in gray armor, who saved the lady in red from annoying glances.

   Thinking about this all day, Camila even forgot about fatigue, just cleaned the house and only when it became completely dark outside she lay down on bed and fell asleep.

   But while Camila was sleeping, Will could not closed his eyes, he worked all day trying to distract himself from thinking about her, but he could not,even now late at night he either sat on the bed holding a red half mask, then abruptly got up and walked to a red room, but did not dare to enter it, but standing for the last time for a hour near the door to his secret abode, went to the bed, put mask on the nightstand next to the bed, left the room and closed the door behind him. Will suddenly had a thought in his head that he should create a new contract tomorrow morning, but there is a lot of work because now he needs to go through the entire list of guests and find her.

Red Half Mask Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora