Red Half Mask by Vitalina Buhaiova

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Chapter 7

   At the weeks passed everything returned to normal, Camila even began to forget about that day, everything was just getting better, as far as possible, but again until one certain day.

   And Will was getting closer and closer to the fulfillment of his plan every day, he followed Camila's path, but exactly the opposite, and if Camila's last point was to forget about the ball, then for Will to find cafe.

   And here she is the door of this cafe and all need to do is just enter and he did it, but then he ran into the waitress, he wanted to say something, but his own thoughts been were interrupted by a pleasant voice already familiar to him:

-Sorry, i didn't want. -Said the girl with her head down.

-Nothing, it's my fault.

   And as soon as the girl heard the answer, she realized that it was him and immediately rushed to go to the toilet, because when she collided with him she spilled all the rest of the coffee that remained in the kettle on herself, but her shift had already ended, so she could just run to the toilet. Having wiped the coffee off the uniform, she hoped to leave the cafe as quickly as possible, but only by opening the toilet door for the employees was she face to face with him. It was so unexpected that she could not even more, but his voice returned her to her normal state:

-Are you running away from me again Miss Frost?

-Sorry, you probably made a mistake? -She lied.

-Unless Camila? I don't think you're can good at lying.

-Unless? I didn't lie to you, i just asked a question.

-Hmm i will answer this question like this. -He answered and gave a red half mask.

   Seeing her in his hands, Camila immediately got goosebumps, but not even having time to think of an answer, he continued.

-Can we talk in a quiet place? -Ask Will and held out his hand to her.

   There was nowhere to go and Camila answered:

-Yes. -And put her hand in his.

   They walked to Will's car outside, and only after they got the car and started driving did Camila ask:

-Where are we drive?

-To my home.


-I told you that we need to talk in a calm place. -He answered calmly.

-Unless are there no another places besides your house?

-Don't worry, i won't do nothing with you that you yourself don't ask.

   These words, unexpectedly for Camila herself, calmed her down and they drove in silence to Will's house.

   Coming out of the car, Camila froze for a moment looking at the house, and then asked:

-It this you house?

-Yes, and what doesn't fit?


-Let's go, we have a conversation, not about home.

   And she, like an obedient lamb, went to his house without even thinking that all this could be an execution. At first everything was calm and he offered her a drink, when he leaned very strongly towards her that she even felt his breath on her neck.

-What are you so afraid of? -He whispered.

-Why did you decide that i'm afraid? -Trying to pull herself together, she answered.

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