Red Half Mask by Vitalina Buhaiova

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“Red Half Mask”
By Vitalina Buhaiova

No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including storage and retrieval devices or systems, without the prior written permission of the author.

Any coincidences in real life with this book are completely accidental, the book is completely a figment of the author's imagination.

Written 2019-2020.

Chapter 1

   Always and at all times, people living in the same city could live in completely different worlds, especially if you read novels about England around 1660. But how often do two worlds meet together? Probably not so often. Well this time it turned out so that two completely different worlds meet together.

   Chloe Gray went to some nearby cafe to find the one with whose help she would take revenge Will, whom she taught everything that he knew in bed, when he was seventeen years old.

   Yes, it was all wrong on the part of Chloe Gray to teach his friend's son everything, and even wish all this time that he returned to her bed, she was much older that him, she was more suitable for him as a mother that a lover. She didn't want him anymore, her desire turned into something else, revenge.

   All that this woman wanted to take revenge on twenty-seven-year-old Will, who was now very successful in everything what his hand touched, he became a very successful businessman, the owner of a good company that passed to him like and everything else after a car accident watch his parents died several years ago, but few knew about Will's true nature and Chloe Gray, who spawned it all in him, wanted to use it against him.

   But how she should do it, she still did not know until she saw a nice waitress who came up to her with coffee and offered coffee to her, in fact, she was not at all interested coffee, but she nodded approvingly and looked at the badge where was writing a beautiful woman's name Camila.

-Thank you, Camila.-Told to her Miss Gray.

And she, in turn, smiled and asked:

-Maybe you want something else, I can transfer the menu?

-No, thank you.-Answered Miss Gray with a slight smile and the girl began to leave.

   Chloe Gray suddenly realized how she would take revenge, she would send Camila to the ball of the sin, which she had to go. Then she took out an invitation to a ball from her purse, and then a red half mask. The mask was with lace and ribbons in order to tie it on the back of the head, instead of being worn in the hand and removed at the right time as everyone else preferred.

   Miss Gray knew that such a mask would attract the attention of Will McQueen, and special in red color and on such an incredibly attractive girl like Camila.

   Yes, of course, she didn't ideally fit Mr. McQueen's preferences, she didn't have fiery hair, she had dark chestnut hair, and her hair was longer than Will preferred, they covered Camila's collarbones, and Will preferred a short hair, but her appearance, and if this girl does everything as Miss Gray thought, she will immediately be interested for Will only by entering this temple of sin, the main thing is that she keep the color and go there.

   Miss Gray took out a pen and wrote a small note on a napkin: "You were very kind and attentive to me, so i will give you a chance to spend this evening as Cinderella at the ball and without a time limit."

After the note, she indicated the time and address of the place where the ball will be, the amount of money that she left for her to buy dress for the ball and the business card of the clothing store. Then leaving it all next to an empty cup of coffee, she lest the cafe and hid around the corner in order to see whether Camila would accept her invitation or not.

   Looking around Camila nevertheless accepted her invitation, which made Miss Gray very happy, and since Camila's working time came to an end, she took it all and went to a small dressing room where she put it all in her purse, changed clothes and went like and was written in a note to an expensive store for a dress.

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