in memoriam

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Evelyn couldn't remember the last time she and her extended family had been in one room together. But she guessed when tragedy struck it brought families closer together. Sometime after Alejandro was brought into the room, their parents snuck in and found all three kids snuggled together on two chairs listening to their grandmother recount her fondest memories of the love of her life.

Soon enough they were joining them in the room, dragging two more chairs into the room so they could hear the stories and listen to any and everything Martina had to say. It didn't matter that she had begun to repeat stories or trail off and forget, all that mattered was that she was lucid enough to talk to them.

Then as the Hernandez matriarch woke up in the middle of the night to use the restroom after dozing off in the room, she woke everyone up with her terrifying scream. They all shot awake, half-asleep, and confused as to why she was screaming. Then they stared over at the lifeless body in the middle of the room and their hearts dropped.

That was over a week ago.

In the week that had passed, friends of their parents had sent flowers and an ungodly amount of food because apparently, the way to get over death was food. Enrique and Evelyn's friend's soon found out what happened.

All of their friends rallied around them in their time of need to keep their spirits up and keep their minds off of the grueling situation. But there was only so much 'it's okay' and 'it's the circle of life' that they could take.

But most of all, Evelyn and Enrique despised the fact that their cousins had driven down from different parts of the city and flown down from Mexico for the funeral. Of course, they weren't upset that they wanted to pay their respects or anything along those lines.

They were upset that their family felt the need to stay at their home and bother the hell out of them. There were only certain times when the family came down and that was for funerals which they hated since usually, their mom's side of the family steered clear of them. But for some reason, they felt the need to stay with them.

A week that was meant for mourning in peace with loved ones was instead spent catering to all their family members who were staying in their home. Even with the offer from Joaquin to put them up in a hotel, they insisted they stay at their house because apparently, family needed to be together in this dire time. Evelyn and Enrique thought it was pure and utter bullshit since they rarely ever communicated.

Currently, the twins were hiding out in the screening room. It was a little after the burial and funeral services and their parents invited everyone back to the house for drinks and to eat some food but the twins found it fitting to hide out and be by themselves.

"You tell anyone about dropping out yet?" Enrique suddenly broke the quietness in the room as he stared over at his sister.

"," Evelyn deadpanned. "I don't know if you noticed but our grandmother just died so I'm kind of dealing with that."

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