date night

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"Hey, Ricky, I have to tell you something."

Evelyn sheepishly glanced at her brother who was laying on the edge of her bed. He would never admit it to her but as the two slowly got offers from different schools around the country, he'd definitely miss his twin. So, he'd make up random reasons to go in her room and bother her.

"Shoot," he shrugged.

"I like girls," she blurted out, covering her mouth with her palm. Evelyn realized after her talk with Asher a couple of weeks prior, that she'd never explicitly come out to anyone, most people just assumed she was straight considering she'd only ever dated boys.

"Cool," Enrique nodded. "Me too."

"No," she frowned. "You're not understanding me. I like boys and girls, but I'm not really into the whole labels thing. So, yeah, don't tell mom and dad."

Enrique flipped himself on his stomach, propping himself up on his elbows to face her. "You're my twin sister, Evelyn. I know you a little better than you think. So, yeah, I kind of figured you were into girls. I don't care, and mom and dad won't care either. They literally thought you were dating Liv until you started dating her brother."

"And here I was freaking out because I thought they'd hate me," she sighed, tucking her knees to her chest. "Well, keep your mouth shut, still!"

"Okay, whatever," he scoffed, waving her off. "Hey, you think we have the same taste in girls?"

She blurted out the first girl she could think of. "Liv?"




"Alright!" Evelyn giggled, holding her hand out for a high-five. "However, your choice in bimbos I will have to politely pass on."

Asher let himself through the front door of the Hernandez house, making his way up the large staircase. The sight of Evelyn and Enrique together in her room made his eyebrows furrow. "Are you two ever not together?"

"Why the hell are you here?" Evelyn asked him. "And I mean that in the nicest way possible."

He shoved his hands into his pockets. "I'm here to take you on that date I promised a couple of days ago."

"And I was only keeping you company until he came," Enrique said, innocently smiling at his sister. "Did you really think I wanted to spend my free time with you?

She nudged his side harshly before turning to look at Asher. "A date? Where are you taking me?"

"Out," Asher answered. "So get dressed. I'll be in the car."

"Wait!" she stopped him before he could leave. "How should I dress?"

Asher gave her a look as he shrugged his shoulders. "Casual?"

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