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Evelyn and Asher entered the school hallways together. Enrique stood right beside them, he usually was the third wheel whenever they were at school, and it's not like the couple minded but sometimes he could be a little...annoying.

"Can you remove your tongue from my sister's mouth, please?" Enrique glared at the couple. His hands were firmly planted on his hips like a scolding father while the couple had stood in front of her locker and kissed, the two had totally forgotten he was there. "It's disgusting."

"It was a small peck," Asher argued. "Why are you just standing there and staring at us?"

"You need a girlfriend," his sister spat. "As much as I love hanging out with you, Ricky. You're always here and I can't even greet my boyfriend with a kiss while you're here without hearing a complaint."

"I don't need a girlfriend," Enrique scoffed. "I'm perfectly fine by myself. Now, if you'll excuse me, there's a girl from my fifth period who wants to do stuff before class."

"Ew," she cringed. "Don't tell me that."

"I don't mind if he hangs out with us," Asher shrugged. "I mean, he seems kind of lonely."

"Then I hope you'll be very happy never having sex...ever," she groaned. "Because if my brother is always hanging out with us, then you'll never get any of...this." She gestured to her body and sent him a soft smirk.

"I already forgot who we were talking about," his arms looped around her waist and he leaned down to kiss her again. "So, did you hear about Liv?"

She crinkled her nose in detest. "Why are you thinking about other girls while we kiss?"

"I wasn't!" he defended. "I saw her peeking around the corner while we were kissing and then she left. I thought I'd gently bring up the subject of your best friend."

"Well, don't," she scoffed.

"She was literally in a wreck last night," he sighed, attempting to hold her hand but getting a slap on the arm in response. "Hold my hand, Evelyn!"

"It was more of a fender bender," she corrected. "And no, Asher!"

"Babe, she's your best friend," he tried to convince her. "Since...forever."

"Oh, look," she pointed at Simone, basically running up to her. "Jordan, I need to steal your girlfriend."

Jordan glared at her. "No. You're interrupting us."

"Come on, Evie," Simone said, looping her arm through hers. "Walk me to Spanish."

"So...How's Liv?" Evelyn nonchalantly asked.

Simone threw her a look as they stood outside of her Spanish class. "You'd know if you talked to her."

"I told her she sucked as a friend. She does not want to talk to me," she sighed. "You should go to your class. Sorry for pulling you away from Jordan."

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