the dropout

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"I don't get it, Evelyn. Why can't you open up to me the way you do with him?"

Evelyn's plan of just trying to pack her things up and then go to sleep didn't work as she and Asher were too busy arguing throughout the entire night about how she ended up confessing everything to Jordan. Rather than opening up to Asher and telling him how she was feeling and what had been going on in her life. Though Jordan had a girlfriend, he hadn't been acting like he was in a relationship during the summer, causing Asher to be incredibly suspicious of his girlfriend and his best friend's newfound friendship during the summer, but he chose to keep that to himself. Up until now.

"If it was Spencer or JJ there at that moment, I would've told them," she stressed as she packed up her belongings, trying her best to remain calm. As much as Evelyn insisted there was nothing going on, he just couldn't seem to get it through his head.

"I thought we were finally getting to a better place. Then I see you walk in with Jordan after having some sort of heart-to-heart conversation!"

"Honestly, Asher, can you just drop this? I'm...I'm tired. Mentally, physically, and arguing with you is going to make me snap, and I really don't want this argument to escalate any further."

"Fine," Asher defensively surrendered his hands. "Sorry."

She nodded, turning on her heel and walking back to the closet they had been sharing for the summer. There wasn't much left, only a couple of her dirty bikinis in the hamper from the previous day, and a pair of flip flops, she chose to leave them in there and come back for the items when she needed them.

Once she walked back into the bedroom, her eyes settled on her boyfriend's figure, she wrapped her arms around him and embraced him in a hug. Inhaling the scent of his cologne, and keeping a tight grip, almost like she was afraid to let go.

"You know I love you, Ash, right?"

"Yeah, I love you, too," Asher laughed her off. "You're moving back home, not across the country, and we're still attending the same school."

"Right," she faked a smile. "School. Totally forgot about that."


"Okay, I'm gonna head home. I'll see you."

She left him with a kiss short kiss that was cut a bit too short for her liking. Then grabbed all of her belongings and left the beach house, not bothering to say goodbye to the other boys since they were all sleeping on their one day off from their hectic football schedules.


Exiting her car, Evelyn took cautious steps on the driveway as she made her way to the front door. If she was being honest, she was scared to face her parents, her brothers, and her dying grandmother. Afraid of what their reaction would be when they saw her.

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