not so happy birthday

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"You think Layla would like this?"

Evelyn and Enrique had wandered aimlessly around the mall for hours. Enrique for some reason had been trying to find the perfect gift for Layla Keating. Evelyn, on the other hand, had already picked out the perfect gift for her best friend and could care less about the ugly ass shirts he was picking out from the racks of clothing.

"I think it's ugly," she deadpanned. "Why the hell do you care so much about Layla's gift? For our birthday you got me a candle. Which you stole from my room!"

" know, it's Layla," Enrique said, getting all flustered. "She'"

Evelyn wrinkled her nose as she looked at her brother's face. "Don't tell me you have a crush on my best friend?"

"Oh, like you're one to talk," he scoffed, placing the shirt back on the table. "Do you remember the night of Jordan and Simone's wedding? We were kind of being flirty all night and I don't know, Evie, I guess you know...I wanna impress her."

"Holy shit," she gasped. "Wow, that makes a lot of sense now that I think about it. I haven't seen you with any random girls since that night. But, she's been through a lot so if you hurt her, I will kill you. Ooh! Do I get to have one of those overly protective big sister talks with Layla?"

"Okay, can we stop talking about this?" he cringed. "Just help me find something that isn't ugly. And for the record, Evie, just because you came out of mom like 30 minutes before me doesn't make you my big sister."

"Or you could use your brain?" she suggested, rolling her eyes. "I'm not gonna be around all the time to pick out gifts for your little girlfriends."

"You're a real bitch when you're not speaking to your stupid boyfriend," Enrique scoffed.

"And you're a bitch, period," Evelyn spat. "Now, let's go. This store is for like, old people. I don't know what was going through your head when you wanted to go in here."

"I'm hanging out with Ash tonight by the way," Enrique informed, grabbing the shopping bags from his sister's hands. "Want me to beat some sense into him or something?"

"Yeah, 'cause that'll fix everything," Evelyn grimaced. "A bad heart and a black eye. Good idea, Ricky."

Enrique stopped in his tracks, admiring himself in the reflection off of one of the windows, and completing disregarding his sister's words. "Hey, mind doin' my eyebrows tonight? I think my unibrows growing back."

Evelyn rolled her eyes, slapping him harshly on the back. "You'd be nothing without me, dude."


Olivia's hand had covered her best friend's mouth as they stood behind the lockers awaiting Layla's arrival. The shorter girl had been talking nonstop to her brother about something pointless making the group of friends roll their eyes at how talkative the Hernandez twins were. But, the sound of her locker opening quickly made the group jump out and yell surprise.

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