When the anthem ends, Will and I throw to each other to warm up while the coin toss is happening.

Once the coin toss ends, I sit down with Colt, Will, and the QB coach on the bench and relax as we kick off the game.

As we're relaxing, the four of us watch the Rams run back the opening kickoff for a touchdown.


- - - - -

"Looks like we need one more patented Aspen Heath final drive." Coach Charles says as I watch our kickoff return team jog off the field.

Just like every other fucking game this season, I'm gonna have to pull some shit out of my ass for us to win.

I'm happy we upgraded the O-Line, but we need to get Micah some help on defense.

The games been very back and forth and very entertaining, but we haven't scored on every possession which is annoying.

Now we have a minute left to score so we can get to the Super Bowl.

Right now we're down 25-21

"Piece of cake." I say as I stand up then I grab my helmet and jog on the field with my teammates.

Once on the field, I join the huddle, call the play, then we get to our positions.

When I get to my position behind the center, I survey the defense, then I put my hand behind my back and give Zeke the signal to run the opposite direction to the direction we called.

"YEP." Zeke shouts in acknowledgment.

"WHITE 80." I shout. "WHITE 80 SET HUT."

After I say hut, the center snaps me the ball then I runback and hand off to Zeke.

Once I hand off to Zeke I see him going the wrong way to the signal then I see him get rocked by Aaron Donald which causes Zeke to fumble the ball.

"Shit." I say then I scoop up the ball and start running upfield.

A couple seconds later, Leonard Floyd tries to tackle me, but he goes to low so I easily hurdle over him then I get tackled in the air by Jalen Ramsey.

After Jalen and I land on the ground, I quickly stand back and hand the ball to the ref then my teammates and I quickly get in formation.

Once everyone's in formation, Colt snaps the ball then I spike the ball to stop the clock.

After the clock stops I walk away from my teammates and play with my nose ring as I flip through the playbook in my head.

"NASA." I shout. "NASA."

My teammates nod then we all get into our position.

Once everyone is in position I take a deep breath then survey the defense.

While I'm surveying the defense I hear the Rams talking shit from the sideline.

"RAMS AIN'T SHIT." I shout as I survey the defense. "RAMS AIN'T SHIT SET HUT."

Once I say hut, my center snaps me the ball then I drop back and look for an open receiver.

After a few seconds I see Michael Gallup burning his defender so I lob the ball over the defense and into Michael's hands.

Once Michael catches the ball, he runs towards the end zone then he gets tackled out of bounds inside the 10 yard line.

After Michael gets tackled I walk upfield with the linemen as I notice we have time for one play.

"ASTRONAUT." I shout as I walk up to the new line of scrimmage. "ASTRONAUT."

Once everyone is in position I survey the defense.


After I say hut, the center snaps the ball then I survey the field.

Just like I planned, CeeDee beats his defender off the line then he streaks across the field so I pass my friend the ball.

CeeDee easily catches the ball then he walks in the end zone for the touchdown making the score 26-25 with zero time on the clock.

"I outta beat yo fucking ass." I hear someone say behind me so I turn around and come face to face with Jalen Ramsey.

"I beg you fucking swing." I say. "I've been waiting to knock your bitch ass out."

Jalen's one of the sexist pricks who thinks I shouldn't be in the NFL.

"Sexist cunt." I say then Jalen and I get into a bit of a shouting match so I take off my helmet.

I really hope he hits me.

I've been waiting to beat the fuck out of one of these sexist pricks.

"Now there's no helmet in the way." I say. "So go on and hit me."

"I wish you fucking would." I hear Micah say.

"Don't even try it dude." CeeDee says.

"Oh I hope you do." I say then I step towards Jalen. "Make my fucking day."

Before anything can happen, the refs and the coaching staffs split us up.

"Enjoy watching the Super Bowl." I say as I look at Jalen while I get pulled away. "I'll be busy winning it." 

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