Maleficent looked at the girl like she was an idiot, while decide explain"No that would not have worked. For example, Stefan wouldn't be able to break the curse because he only cares about power, the Pixie Trio took care of Aurora in the form of a job, rather than out of love.Now the once who could break the curse where Leah,if she had really brought up Aurora it would have been possible and the last one is Diaval,who saw Aurora as a daughter or sister figure, so he too could have broken the curse."

Everyone nodded taking in the information, they already guessed Stefan was not going to be able to do it,the same with the trio of pixies. Leah felt slightly glad knowing she could have broken the curse too,if she had raised Aurora herself. But she knew she would have been dead by the time the curse took effect.

Mal didn't feel jealous about their bond,as she knew her mother would love her the same from now on.

As the scene changes to Stefan in his intimidating armor pacing impatiently in what looks like a meeting room,as one of his captains approaches him with a serious tone spoke"she's here, sire."

Mal was worried muttered, "He knows you're there

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Mal was worried muttered, "He knows you're there."
Maleficent gave gentle smile calmed her daughter down, while others really didn't like Stefan's look,he looked unhinged.

Maleficent and aurora walk towards the hall when Maleficent stops looking around with caution, as it seemed too no one was around and it seemed too quiet.

Maleficent and aurora walk towards the hall when Maleficent stops looking around with caution, as it seemed too no one was around and it seemed too quiet

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Aurora didn't see the problem questioned"Are we going to the moors now?"

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Aurora didn't see the problem questioned"Are we going to the moors now?"

Maleficent who was still cautious replied, "If that is what you wish."

Aurora smiles and nos her head, Maleficent starts walking through the hall as we could hear the echoes of her shoes. Maleficent gestured for Aurora to follow her, but then she suddenly sensed something was not right turns suddenly a massive iron net is dropped on her causing Aurora to gasp in fear,while Maleficent to iron burning her screaming pain.Then guards came rushing in from all sides to ambush her.

Then guards came rushing in from all sides to ambush her

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Mal in fear and concern yelled"No."even though her mother was comforting her,Mal couldn't help worry seeing her mother scream in pain like,that

As was everyone, as they couldn't believe what they were seeing just when everything was okay.

Everyone except Aurora,Diaval,Leah and Maleficent were worried about Maleficent.They already knew maleficent would be fine.

A guard yells" We've got her!"as we see some of them start hitting or kicking her. 

Aurora goes to help Maleficent out of the net one of the soldiers pushes her back yelling"Get back!" the soldiers grab hold of Aurora to hold her back, while Diaval tried to help.But due to being in his crow form, he is unable to help much.

As the guards start attacking Maleficent some of them laugh with glee, Maleficent was struggling her sight was becoming dizzy. As Maleficent looks at Diaval who's flying around them with the gesture of her hand she chants"Into a dragon."she uses her magic to which was golden dust transforming Diaval into a large dragon and he breathes fire at the guards and pulls the iron net off of Maleficent.

"she uses her magic to which was golden dust transforming Diaval into a large dragon and he breathes fire at the guards and pulls the iron net off of Maleficent

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Everyone looked at Maleficent then at Diaval who just smirked at them

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Everyone looked at Maleficent then at Diaval who just smirked at them. Carlos was sacred and awed by the dragon"That dragon looks a thousand times scarier than Mal's transformation."

Jay nodded as he was pretty sure Maleficent's Dragon form would be much stronger than this,  a thought occurred to him as he said"Could Maleficent have to hold back on Mal during their fight."

Mal looked at her mother who just smiled, she knew her fight with her mother was too easy, after all her mother was one of the strongest magic users of that time.

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