Alice encounters Wile

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Alice's grandmother lived out in the woods, a half-hour from the village. 

When Alice entered the woods a wolf came up to her. She did not know what a wicked animal he was and was not afraid of him.

"Good day to you, Alice." Wile greeted the girl. "Thank you, Mr. Coyote." Alice thanked the stranger.

A curious Wile wanted to know where the child was heading to. "Where are you going so early in the day?" Questioned Wile.

"I'm off to my grandma's house." Answered Alice.

"And what are you carrying inside your basket?" Wile asked.

"My Grandma is sick and weak, and I am taking her some cake and milk. We baked yesterday, and they should be good for her and give her strength." Alice explained.

"My Dear Alice, Where does your grandmother live?" Wile asked.

"Her house is a good quarter hour from here in the forest under the three large oak trees. There's a hedge of hazel bushes there." said Alice.

The coyote thought to himself, "Now that sweet young thing is a tasty bite for me. She will taste even better than the old woman. You must be sly, and you can catch them both."

He walked along for a little while with Alice then he said, "Red Riding Alice, I see beautiful flowers on the path. I recommend you take some for granny." Wile smoothed talked the girl.

Red Riding Alice was unsure so she took time to think "If a take a fresh bouquet to grandma, she will be very pleased." said Alice feeling pleased with the decision.

"Anyway. It is still early, and I'll be home on time." said the girl as she looked into the sky. Alice strayed from the path and went to pick flowers for her grandma.

Red Riding Alice (Red Riding Hood Parody)Where stories live. Discover now