Everythings 100% Normal and Nothing is wrong

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Dekus POV
When I was given the okay to finally take kacchan home I wanted to scream out of happiness. I signed him out and drove him home, he was quiet the entire drive.

Honestly things were much different around the house, out of little space Kacchan was calmer, patient, and definitely kinder. In little space Kacchan was quiet, he didn't ask for anything and didn't cry.

Honestly it was worrying, what happened?

pǝuǝddɐɥ ʇɐɥʍ ʎʅʇɔɐxǝ ʍouʞ no⅄

No I don't.

Anyways, I tried asking Kacchan while he was big and he said nothing was wrong and that he was just tired but I knew that wasn't true. So I asked him when he was little however I didn't get the answer I expected.

"Papa I sorry" Katsuki started crying.. "I so sorry, I be good now, no more punishment" he curled up as he desperately tried to stop crying.

I felt so horribl-

Katsukis POV
I couldn't stop crying, I told myself not to cry with papa, I was good now. I was scared but then I saw it, papas eyes.


All of a sudden I felt a pain radiate on my cheek, papa hit me..

Yo.. I got a new phone and forgot this app existed so sorry about that😩🙏🏾

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