Helping hand(s)

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THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE GREAT IDEAS!!! I'm writing them as fast as I can! ❤️
Credit: @supidfuck

No one's POV
Izuku dredded this week. This week his mother is forcing him to take a family vacation, and since it's blood family only..Kacchan can't come.

Now Bakugou being the hardass that he is, refused to admit he was also sad that Deku had to go.

"Y'know what I'll just cancel!" Deku shrugged his shoulders. "Hell no! I want a week away from you" Kacchan rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.

Izuku groaned and sat on there bed, filling his suit case with toys. "What are you gonna do if you slip?!" He exclaimed worriedly.

But Bakugou refused any form of help "Oh fuck off im not gonna slip!" He mumbled.

But of course Deku didn't believe him.. he made a plan.


Little space : Off

Bakugous POV
I was waving goodbye as Izuku got into his moms car. 'This week is gonna be a fucking breeze' I rolled my eyes and walked in the house.

I threw on my clothes and got ready for yet another boring day at school.

I walked to my class and stretched, sitting down at my seat. I won't lie I MIGHT have been staring at Dekus seat..

That was until I realized Dunce-face was staring at me...
In fact almost everyone was staring "Why the hell are y'all extras looking at me!?" I shouted at them which made them all look away.

"Fucking weirdos.." I mumbled before class started.


I left the classroom and walk to the lunch room and saw candy. I smiled widely but I quickly stopped and cought myself before I slipped.

I groaned as I sit down at a lunch table "I miss that idiot.." I mumbled to myself, calling Deku names will help me stay out of little space.

Once the bell rang I got and I accidentally ended up eying the candy on my way out. "Nope nope nope! I'm not gonna slip! This is gonna be so fucking easy!" I talked to myself as I went to my class.


Once school ended I basically ran home and opened the door "I'm ho-" I cut myself off, forgetting Izuku wasn't here.

"Damnit.." I mumbled and walked to our room and went to sleep, I was to tired to eat dinner.




Bakugous POV





I barely got any sleep last night and it was already time to go to school. I rolled my eyes and got dressed and started walking to class.

I was busy on trying to stay awake I didn't notice Kiri right in front of me. I bumped into him causing me to fall down....

Little space: On

I immediately burst into tears and within seconds all of my classmates rushed the help me.

No ones POV
This was Izukus plan from the start. He knew kacchan was gonna slip so he texted all of his classmates to keep an eye on Bakugou and help him when he slips.

Tsu was the first to get to him (I love Tsu so much-)
"Aw it's o-*Ribbit* ok hun!" She smiled as she picked him up, they had a brother and sister type relationship.

Denki spoke up next "Hey bub how about we go to the park?"

Kacchan blushed and pouted, though he loved being babied he didn't like admitting to it. "Shut up dumb dumb.." he mumbled and hid his face in Tsu's neck.

"That wasn't very nice" Momo spoke softly before they all migrated to the couch. "Sorry.." Bakugou mumbled.

Todoroki walked to the kitchen to make some food for Kacchan while Kiri went to grab a Paci for him.
Bakugou was trying to stay awake as he sucked on his pacifier. He layed across his classmates laps as he drifted to sleeep....

If you have ANY recommendations please please leave a comment!💕

Little Bakugou x DekuNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ