Baby boy

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@Iamverytiny Thank you for da suggestion!
Bakugous POV
'Stupid....Stupid...STUPID!!' This whole day has sucked! I grumbled to myself as I walked to passed Mr. Aizawas class, unfortunately he saw me and asked me to come to his desk.

I sighed as I walked into the classroom. "What is it?" I mumbled as he handed me three pieces of paper, all three of them had an F on it.

I took a minute for me to realize the these were the test the class took over the month. I wordlessly looked up and walked out the classroom.

I walked all the way to my dorm without making a peep

I was about to walk inside until-


Deku accidentally knocked me over causing me to fall on my ass.


Izuku's POV

Kat started sobbing so I quickly picked him up and shut the door. I walk to the kitchen and pulled out one of his sippy cups. I poured some milk in it and warmed it up.

While I was waiting for the microwave to heat up the bottle I kept bouncing Kacchan, yet he wouldn't stop crying. "Aw I so sorry baby.." I mumbled as the microwave beeped, indicating the sippy cup was ready.

I took it out of the microwave and gave it to kat but he dropped it. I swiftly picked it up and helped him drink from it.

I wonder why he couldn't hold the bottle before realization hit me "oooh...are you in baby space love?.." he chuckled a bit.

He carried his sleeping boy to his crib and laid him down "huh this has only happened one other time..I wonder what happened to today" Deku mumbled to himself.

He leaned of the crib and kissed kacchans forehead.

"Goodnight baby..."

Hey guys! Please leave more suggestions in the comments on what I should write next! Also super sorry for the short chapter! I wrote this at like 1:00 in the morning-

Little Bakugou x Dekuحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن