A New Fairy

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I really disliked receiving this glittering golden letter.  It announced that he'd be coming.  It's not that I didn't want to see him, it's just...Was there ever a good time to have to compete with your older brother for the attention of the boy you loved?

Jungkook loved my older brother, Hoseok, as if they themselves were brothers.  When Hoseok came to visit, I always felt pushed aside.  Maybe that was jealousy at not being the complete center of all of Jungkook's attention, or maybe it was just that, as a fairy, I got irritable any time that I felt the slightest bit ignored.

No amount of mental preparation would ever prepare me for the moments Hoseok strutted through the door of the treehouse under the pretense of seeing his baby brother.  It happened the same way every time.  He'd walk in, making a big fuss over his 'sweet, adorable babyyyy brotherrrr' and squish my face.  Then he'd abandon me for Jungkook and the two would go off howling into the moonlight to be rowdy boys in the monster-filled forest.  They'd return hours, sometimes even days, later, covered in mud and monster muck cackling so loudly they could wake the dead.  Then Hoseok would baby talk to me and squish my cheeks some more before promising to visit again when he could before walking out the door of the treehouse with the same air of confidence and joy that he walked in with.

Clearly today was no exception.

"BABY BROTHER!!!  Oh my sweet, angelic, adorable little Jiminie pie!"  Hoseok nearly skipped to stand in front of me, cupping my cheeks in his hands and squishing them to give me puffy fish lips.  "Awwwww, look at this little cutie!  You're still as beautiful and tiny as ever!"

I huffed and spoke muffled words through my squished cheeks.  "M'not tiny!  You're jusss big!"

"So cuuuuttteee!" he cooed genuinely before stamping a kiss on my forehead.

He released me, eyes hunting down his partner in crime.  Jungkook bounded to him right on cue as if he'd been waiting for him to be finished with me.

"Hobi-hyung!  My second favorite fairy!  How have you been?  Still as ugly as ever?"  He giggled at his insults as Hoseok's grin widened.

"Second favorite?  Jeez!  I'll never win over Jiminie pie, will I, Kook?"  Jungkook grinned his bunny smile and shook his head 'no.'  Hoseok huffed, but his sunshine smile remained plastered on his face as he shrugged.  "No matter.  I may be second string to Jimin, and I may be ugly, but at least I'm not as ugly as you!  I don't see how Jimin stands to look at you all the time!"

"I'm sure it hurts his innocent eyes!" Jungkook laughed, slapping his knee. 

"Oh, I'm sure!  Probably why he can't keep those eyes off of you!" he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, "Your ugliness is like a train crash, can't seem to make yourself look away no matter how horrifying it is," he replied with a wink to me.  I blushed furiously, cursing him internally for hinting at my secret love.

Jungkook took it in stride, like usual, and agreed before punching Hoseok's arm.  "Well, Hobi-hyung.  Are we going to stand around all day playing a game of insults or are we going to have some monster-hunting fun?"

"Monsters, of course!  Let's g-" he stopped in his tracks, sentence falling away as his face went slack.  He was frozen, staring at one of the lost boys.

When he returned to his senses, he walked to the boy he'd fixated on, his voice dropping an octave.  "Who's this, Jungkook?  A new Lost Boy?"

"Yeah!" Jungkook laughed, not sensing the change in Hoseok's behavior.  "He's been here about a week now!"

"Oh?  A week?  And how do you like Neverland....?" He let himself trail off in a question.

"Felix," the boy responded quietly with a dusting of pink across his freckled cheeks.  "And I like Neverland.  It's fun and there's warmth and food and it feels like family.  It feels...like home."

Hoseok's eyes softened as he brought his thumb to gently caress Felix's blushing cheek.  Felix gulped and bit his lip to hide his smile, unable to meet Hoseok's eyes.

"That's great to hear.  If there's ever anything I can do to make Neverland even better for you, please let me know right away.  I would love to help make Neverland everything you ever dreamed of."  He smirked as Felix's blush deepened.

The other Lost Boys and I gawked at Hoseok's bold flirting and Felix's flattered response to it.  Jungkook only looked at the unfolding scene with slight confusion as he smiled innocently.  He smacked Hoseok's shoulder to remind him of his presence.

"Are you ready to go or what, Hobi-hyung?"

Hoseok's eyes never left Felix's face as he nodded.  As he turned to walk to the door, his eyes met mine briefly and he winked with a smirk. 

What in the world just happened?

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