I Could Really Love You

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kat was sat in her boyfriends arms, jay taking in the sweet scent of her hair. it was soothing, after what she'd just woken up from; a nightmare. something that wasn't common, but also not uncommon.

she had been taking a nap, while jay scrolled on his phone, her head resting against his side. she started to shake, and tears were silently streaming down her face. he didn't notice at first, but once he did, he lightly woke the girl up, hugging her body closer to his.

kat wouldn't tell him (yet) what the nightmares were about, but he understood nonetheless that they were, indeed, scary; and that was enough for him.

he kept her in a tight hold, calming her senses down—as they were still on overdrive. and if she didn't know any better she would've wondered where she was. she hated how her mind did this to itself, but she was thankful she wasn't alone anymore.

eventually he loosened the grip, her body relaxing along with his. she draped an arm over his abdomen, grabbing the corresponding hand. jay quickly pushed his finger through hers, and despite them being clammy with sweat he didn't let go. he didn't care.

"you're okay?" he asked, gently rubbing the exposed skin on her side.

"...yeah." she sighed, her head resting back against him. she knew she wouldn't go back to sleep easily, but she still couldn't help feeling tired.

his hand eventually started rubbing her back, in hopes that she would peacefully fall back asleep. and it could've even worked if kat wasn't still thinking about what she'd woken from.

jay didn't mind though, he'd do whatever made her comfortable—for however long she needed him to. he just wanted to be there for her, through it all.

"thanks," she humbled, snuggling in closer, "for this." she swirled her body a moment to signal that that is what she was thanking him for.

"sure," he sighed, closing his eyes, "whatever you need."

she smiled into him, breathing in the soft scent of his cologne before pushing herself up. his eyes shot open, and he scooted farther up the bed to rest against the headboard.

their eyes clashed, but nothing needed to be said between the two. jay knew she wasn't panicking anymore, as a slight smile plastered across her lips.

that's when kat's heart started beating quickly, his eyes scanning her face. gently, he pulled her into him, much like the first time, and kissed her softly. her hand trailed to his cheek, and then to the back of his head, feeling his hair through her fingers—she liked that feeling, and so did he. they broke apart, foreheads touching as they both breathed the same air.

"i-i think i could really love you, kat."

she pulled away, basking in his words, "you're sure?"

she felt his hands climb her sides, resting gently once he found a spot above her hip bones, "ninty-nine percent."

and that one percent of uncertainty didn't bother her—he was being realistic, she felt the same.

she looked deeply at him, her hands traveling to rest around his neck. she gently played with the hair at the base of his skull, a comfortable silence filling the room.

she smiled, putting her face back to his. "good." his eyes closed for a moment, "because i love you too."


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2023 ⏰

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