Honorary Big Sister, Reene

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mars had left kat alone, going to do interviews and photoshoots the contestants were strongly advised to do—make the public happy and you can basically get whatever you want.

kat sighed, placing her hands together and down onto her lap. her eyes fell down too, watching as her fingers danced together to calm her ADHD, and anxiety of being left alone for more than a few minutes. she tried to keep her mind from racing, but just before it did a familiar face approached her.


perfect timing, kat thought, taking a deep breath.


she took the seat next to the younger, obviously done with her interviews and photos. "so.." she almost swooned at kat, leaning into her.

kat instantly knew what was going on, "who told you! i'm going to kill that perfect being of an id—"

reene's laughter interrupted the speal, "it was mars."


"she also told me you hate all of us, except jungkook and namjoon," her hand went to her heart, "i'm hurt."

kat's eyes went wide, "w-what! i'm going to rip her spi—"

"oh my god!" she interrupted again, "our little psycho." she laughed once again.

"it's nothing serious."

"nothing serious?" her face twisted in disbelief, "that how i know it's serious!"

kat was utterly shocked everyone could read her so well—but it was just the people closest to her; because no matter how much she wanted no one to know her, she opens up a lot non-verbally to them.

"so, jay, right?"

kat mumbled a reply, "yeah, that's right." she decided that getting reene to quick would be a battle, so why not just admit it? what would she do, tell him? "i might hypothetically enjoy being around him."

reene smiled sweetly as she put her head onto the younger's shoulder, "that's cute."

the brunette waited for her to go on, but she just kept quiet looking at the few people in this back room.

"that's it?" kat faced her, "that's all you're going to say?"

"what do you want me to do? tell you it'll work out if it's meant to be? i'm not teahyung." so she knew what he told jungkook, and kat, and definitely others. "i don't believe in miracles, i don't believe in coincidences—" kat scoffed, saddened by her honesty, "—but that being said, i do believe in fate." her eyebrows furrowed at words leavings the blondes lips, "i think people are meant to meet, and always will, no matter the time line."

"so you think, jay and i could work out?"

she nodded lightly, her eyes shutting briefly, "if anyone could get past the hardships, it's you."

kat had thick skin, she'd developed a sense of having to protect herself—her heart, her mind, her body, from being used again. she didn't think she could handle another disappointment, and that's why this is so hard for her.

"thanks, reene." kat wrapped her arms around the blonde, squeezing her tightly. kat knew reene always meant well, and had everyone's best interest over her own. she was one of the most real people, and kat appreciated her honesty.

"what are honorary big sisters for!"

she was grateful the world had them meet, coincidence or fate. whatever it was, the roads or stars crossed right because kat's surrounded by the best set of people she could ever meet.

✓  𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐆𝐒, park jongseong.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz