Chapter 4

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The place that I once knew is now so far away that I heard them say
When oh when do the choirs sing
When oh when do the angels scream
When oh when do you hear the sirens getting closer
That was the day that the angels prayed
Up to which
Oh heavens to the witch
But low and behold
A siren in the mold
Freshly out of the sunken ship
Far out of the coastal gloat
That she once knew

Fall out the world
When you fallout of this world
You will find all the answers that you have ever known
Or have always never have been able to know
Though this may be true
Only the world of you which knew
Knew all of the answers that you once thought
We're not the right one
And through this idea and proposition
The world we once knew is different
And yet the world
We fall everyday in
And you may never know
As it is not permanent until that one special day

Everyone is their own person
Yet the woods is never identified as one
I mean that trees die
They all cry
In silent movements they shake and tremble
In the woods were they once had people
To confide to and to lie to
Although if we have that mindset
Then the whole world is a different shade
And that shade is afraid to be itself
Afraid to be cut down
Afraid that they the people will forget and disrespect
Both them and/or the ones they love

Through the notion of the world
We at one point of our lives
Get cut down
Torn apart
And so much more
And through these things we have learned to adapt
To change
And the ability to put up walls
That are near impossible to bring down
But not fully impossible

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2022 ⏰

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