Chapter 2

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Not perfect
Thou who knows me not
Shall not stop the clock
And thou who use my name shall not be ashamed
For no one is perfect
Cause thou is not the same person
Plus even then we still couldn't be perfect
Cause two halves of a whole
Yet though they are opposites
The world is so cruel

You thought you knew me
But thou knows me not
As you only scratched the surface
I shall not be swayed by the lies of the fake
And could thy be lying
I may never know
But thou shall never know that I know
As it would cloud your eyes
With the thought that I am me and not you nor perfect

Though the night grows
And kids run amuck with costumes 
The ghosts run away to the shadows
As this holiday was made to ward of ghosts and monsters
Thou you shouldn't be afraid of them
As most are probably nice
But some aren't
And they are mainly like that cause some people did that to them

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