38. Blood Roots (last)

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Arcade, Seoul (Korea)

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Arcade, Seoul (Korea)

"Whoaaaa~ This was so good!", The fifteen-year-old girl, namely Ae-Cha, took off her VR headset as she opened her eyes which were met with the brightly lit ceiling before she got up from the advanced capsule chair.

She heard a chuckle as she turned her head towards her right to see her other family members doing the same.

Jungkook, Jay, Taehyung, Ayeong, Beomgyu and Jimin, too, took off their VRs before getting up from the capsule chairs.

They stretched their bodies, feeling numb after lying in that position for hours.

"Whoaaa! I loved it!", Beomgyu chirped happily before hugging Ae-Cha, who hugged him back with a wide smile.

"Ah, seriously. I loved my character. It was the best.", Jay boasted playfully but got interrupted by Jungkook who smacked the back of his head.

"Hey! My character was the best.", Jungkook spoke with a smirk, teasing his older brother.

"Hey! I am older than you-"

"Only by five seconds.", Jungkook smirked.

Taehyung rolled his eyes at them before speaking them,

"Shut up, you annoying twins. Obviously, my character was the best."

Ayeong laughed softly, shaking her head at the playful enmity between her brother and her husband and brother-in-law.

However, they heard a whine from behind which belonged to none other than Jimin.

"Hey! But why did I get the bad guy's role? I didn't deserve that.", He spoke with a pout.

Jungkook and Jay shared mischievous eye contact, planning to tease their eldest brother.

"Well, you deserved that.", Jungkook shrugged with a smirk.

"Short guys don't deserve the positive role, right, Jungkook?"


Jimin glared at them with an angry pout before huffing and turning towards Ayeong.

"Ayeong, look, your husband and brother-in-law are teasing your eldest brother-in-law."

Ayeong pressed her lips in a thin line as she glanced at the twins before shifting her gaze at the eldest sibling again.

"Well, it's your matter. Deal with it.", She shrugged making Jimin stare at her in disbelief.

He pouted as he turned towards his best friend, his soulmate, Taehyung.

"Taehyung, they-"

"Shut up, shorty, you deserved that role.", Taehyung bluntly answered with a smirk before giving bumping his fist with Beomgyu's, who was enjoying his uncle Jimin's helpless state.

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