12. Makeup

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Twelve years later

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Twelve years later

"Dada... Please....", The teen girl trailed behind Jay with a pout on her lips.

"Nope.", Jay replied calmly yet bluntly, walking towards the kitchen, collecting the ingredients to prepare the breakfast.

"Please...", Ae-Cha spoke as she wrapped her arms around his torso from behind and placed her head on his back.

"No, Ae-Cha. No means no. I am not letting you do any experiment with my handsome face."

Ae-Cha narrowed her eyes as she unwrapped her arms from around his torso and took a step back.

"Who told you that you are handsome? Learn something from Tae uncle. He is so handsome still, he never boasts about it, unlike you.", She remarked, placing her hands on her hips.

"You and your loyalty towards Taehyung. I am not even arguing at this point.", Jay shook his head, going back to his work, ignoring the fifteen-year-old's whines.



"Please... Can't you do this much for me?", She whined, stomping her foot on the ground.

Jay sighed, turning the stove off before turning around and facing the girl.

Ae-Cha's eyes twinkled with hope when he turned around, allowing her to showcase her acting skills.

"So, you are letting me apply makeup on your face, right?", Ae-Cha asked as she stepped forward, reaching out for his hand and holding it with hers, trying to emotionally blackmail him.

"Dare make me look like a clown and I'll never buy you that s*** again.", Jay warned, narrowing his eyes at her.

"C'mon Dad. I am a brilliant makeup artist. Besides, you already look like a clown. You don't need makeup to look like one.", She spoke with an innocent smile, making Jay stare at her in shock.

Recovering from his shock, Jay glared at her, offended by her comment.

"You know what? Just go and ask Taehyung the same question. Let's see if he would allow you to do that s*** to his face. I am the only one who lets you do anything for the sake of your happiness but you don't even value it.", Jay huffed, rolling his eyes in annoyance.

"Stop being so jealous, dada.", Ae-Cha shook her head before wrapping her arms around his bicep.

"Oh, really? My daughter, whom I have raised, is always talking about another man being her favourite and now, I don't even have the right to be jealous. Nice. Very good. You think that I am annoying, right? Of course, you do. Why wouldn't you? It is rightly said that children change when they grow up. When you were younger, you always used to cling to me and mumble a 'Baby love dada' before sleeping but look at you now. You don't do that anymore. You don't love me anymore. You only love Taehyung.", Jay rambled, letting out all of his frustration before ending his speech with a huff and staring at her with moist eyes. Well, he was an emotional fool and nothing can change that, not even the fact that he was a vampire and a father.

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