Chapter 10: Redemption

Start from the beginning

  Mine had healed up faster than theirs, my healing abilities were way over the top. I held myself tighter as I remembered grabbing Cassei by the throat and giving her the worse look of death to scare her very bones, the memory of stabbing her belly and legs. It made me shiver.
Did I really do all that? Have I been doing that all this time?
It's been so long... so fucking long... how did she know it was me? Was she hoping I'd still be alive?


The way she was apologizing. It felt like she was apologizing for not saving me and thus made me conclude that she though I had died and turned. I couldn't blame her. Not seeing or hearing from me in 4 years would give her that mindset. however, Seeing me gain myself back was the true breaking point. I could see the shock in her eyes; The disbelief that I wasn't fully infected; that I gained control back.

  I heaved a sigh as I sat up, Mother was already asleep now. I pushed myself off her as I walked towards the main entrance to the restaurant before looking towards the moon it would get to midnight soon.

What should I do?....
what did I really want to do..?

  I looked down at the tracker. It wasn't blinking or working. I wondered why.
I sat down gently and closed my eyes to fall asleep only to be awoken once the tracker began to beep.

   I sat up as I stared at it. Was it turned on? It had locked onto something but the distance wasn't easy to read. The vines on the ground slowly grew towards me as I felt the presence of the tree.
The mark was near the tree; some distance away. I'd have to leave the horde and go back home if I wanted to follow it.

I contemplated for a while before feeling Zandof's hand on my shoulder. He smiled a bit; a handsome looking Revenant. All of them looked great. Well all except fenir and Harold who had just recently turned to Revenants and still looked more of an infected than a human like Vira, Seraph and Zandof.

    They were awake now and smiled warmly, they knew I wanted to go. I couldn't deny it. I smiled back gently, something I hadn't done in so long before standing up and turning to face them.

   "We will be fine... when you are done, we will be waiting..." Vira said gently as I nodded before taking my time to hug each of them.

     "Thank you.... all of you." I replied back. They all grunted before bowing gently as the vines surrounded me and returned me to where it all began.

  The Corolla of Revenants. My home..

It had been so long since I last came here. I walked towards the tree and stretched my hand towards it as the tree embraced my presence back. We would have to return home soon. I pulled my hand back as the tree brought something towards me. It was my blade. I must have left it back at the hunter's base.
I grabbed it back and thanked the tree with a grunt before going towards the wall.
The corpse of the humans I used way back had rotten and then became fertilizer for the tree. I grabbed the Cloak the female had before washing it a bit, thereafter wearing it.

   I stared down into the water, my left eye glowing as I took a heavy breath. Was I ready for this?
I made up my mind and asked the tree to take me to the closest path it could which it did. From there, I made my way towards the location of the beeping.

It took quite a few minutes. Maybe even an hour but finally I arrived there.
At least what I believed was the place.
I pulled my hood as I scanned the area before hearing voices not far.
Curious, I gently followed the direction of the sound before hiding behind a tree to see who was talking.

  Three females and three males. I recognized 5 of them instantly but the last female was new. I listened gently and used a lot of what was left of my brain to interpret their English.

    "This is a waste of time Cassei... she won't come. That is if you Really saw her." That voice came from Sohan.

"I know what I saw.... she's alive. Just.... different."

       "Yeah that's what you call an infected!?" Sohan shouted as Tougz smacked him.

  "I was there you know." He pointed out as Sohan grew an irritating look

     "Who said you could hit me?"

  "Huh?! Did you say something you little rat?"

Both of them looked like they were about to go head to head in a fight. Cassei smacked her forehead in frustration. Khaleem came forward to stop the two as Grr and the other female giggled gently.

   I couldn't smile at it for some reason. Normally, Sohan's behavior was what made me smile at times when he wasn't being a douche bag at me. but at least, Some things haven't changed about them. It felt nostalgic.
I moved my hands near the bush to grab their attention. They all turned to my direction; looking at the bushes.

   "Who's there...?" Grr asked as I didn't reply.

I slowly walked out with my hood covering my face before placing one hand on the tree beside me. i held my left hand gently thereafter before raising my head to give them a better view of my face. The moonlight helped with that as well as its soft rays was casted upon my face

  Grr covered her mouth in shock, Tougz and Sohan couldn't believe what they were looking at' Khalem looked at me in disbelief while the new girl held Cassei who was smiling gently.

    I stared at Cassei as I felt myself crying. Tears ran down my cheeks as I stared blankly towards her before a sad smile formed.


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