Chapter 7 ❂︎︎ Choices!

Start from the beginning

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"Don't you dare touch that thing!" orders her mom.

She puts the peach down. Her mom tosses them out.

"Damn Jareth!" mutters her mother. "trying to stop this meeting"

"Mom it isn't fair. I am promised to Jareth" she adds.

"Stop, saying such things" warns her mother.

She rolls her eyes at Sarah.

"Can I tell you something mom? Please don't tell anyone" says Sarah.

"Yes of course daughter" says her mother.

"I love him" Sarah admits softly.

"You love whom?" laughs her mother.

"Jareth. He saved me many times mom" says Sarah. "I saw him like you have not. I care for him. I want him to be mine. You can help me. Make him love me" she whispers. "you do spells right?"

"Spells do not work on love dear" laughs her mother. "and Jareth has never loved anything at all but himself" warns her mother. "you even could not make him love you"

Sarah winces in pain at that. "Mom there has to be something I can do. Please make me marry him" she begs.

"Sarah no, you will not grovel. Meet this other king first" orders her mom.

"Fine" sighs Sarah. "If I do not like him then I wish to marry Jareth. I want to make him mine" orders Sarah. "I will make him love me"

"Wicked girl. You do get that from your mother" laughs her mom. "I should like to see you try to bring that goblin king to his knees"

"Then let me marry him" orders Sarah.

"Not just yet" warns her mother.

Soon it was time for the ball. Everyone was there. Everyone but Jareth. Sarah's heart sank. Was he not coming for her like he said? He promised her he would always be there for her. No matter what. Her eyes scan for Jareth.

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"Sarah here is whom I wanted you to meet. King Torto" announces her mom.

There before her was a very handsome man her age. He had darker hair then Jareth. He was smaller. He had a large gold crown on. Same goblin figure like Jareth in some ways. He had lovely blue eyes. But he was not Jareth.

"Hello welcome home Princess" says the king. He kisses the top of her hand.

"Thank you" says Sarah.

"Get to know one another" orders her mom. Then she wanders away.

"The queen always gets what she wants" laughs the king.

"I guess" sighs Sarah. She still looks around the room.

"Expecting someone?" asks the king.

"I was" sighs Sarah. She looks sad.

"Care to dance with me?" he offers.

She takes his arm. Then they dance. He was a good dancer. She smiles at last as he does.

"I looked for you all over the world" he informs her. "I looked for many years"

"Yet Jareth was always able to find me" she marvels.

"Yes, for money" he grumbles.

"Was that what you wanted to?" she challenges him.

"Well yes and no. I am a king with no queen" he points out. "I need help ruling my kingdom."

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