After life

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Third person's pov

The Konoha in the Afterlife was filled with happiness and peace, and those who have passed would enter this world, Such as Madara and his family and Hashirama and Tobirama's family. 

Aiya could finally breathe and not suffocate and suffer about wars and bloody enemies. " Aiya, Please come here and help me set the table, Your grandfather and Grandmother wold be visiting us tonight,"  Akina said, Her mother who she shares a resemblance to her.

" Yes mother," The young girl helped her mother in their house while her father was busy having meetings as head of the clan.

The two females heard the door slide open, Aiya ran to the front door and saw her grandmother and...Grandfather.

" Hello Aiya, dear, You haven't tell me our granddaughter was such a beauty, nice to finally meet you sweet,"  Her grandmother told her, Izumi Uchiha.

Aiya's smile faded when her grandfather approach her. " Grandfather, it's been a while," Aiya said in a smothing tone.

She was then pulled into a tight embrace, before she could react the next  action her grandfather did shock her. " Young lady, How dare you treat your old man late a stranger," Tajima said and held the girl tightly in his arms.

" Grandfather, sorry," " And stop apologizing, it should be me," Aiya glance to her grandfather who her father shared resemblances with.

" You didn't get to live your life, because of me and I didn't get to know my grandchild because of my foolishness, I hope this change between us," Tajima said. Aiya's  heart brusted into thousands of warmth. those words meant a lot to her.

Aiya couldn't hold the tears and wailed in the older man's arms. The two women who were in the kitchen heard the commotion and saw the former head of the clan holding his crying grandchild.

The Madara entered the house and saw his daughter and father hugging, which never happen.

Aiya sobbed quietly and is finally happy that her grandfather and father finally accepted her.

" Papa," She said quietly and launched to his torso, " Grandpa accept me, He did it," Aiya smiled while tears rushed down her cheeks.

The adults conforted the young child, who went through so much despair, so much sadness, is finally happy now.

" Oh no, the food gonna get burned," Akina said rushing to the kitchen. followed by Izumi.

Madara patted Aiya's back whispering her that they would never treat like that ever again.

" Father, The Senjus are also coming, they also want to meet Aiya properly," Madara said. Tajima rolled his eyes. " Of course, knowing that old fool, always wanting to meet the new ones," Tajima said resting his hands on Aiya's shoulder.

Hashirama's pov

' I'm beyond excited I get to meet Madara's princess!,' " Hashirama, calm yourself, were not even there yet and do remember this is an Uchiha manner, don't fall for it," Butsuma Senju said, the former head of the Senju clan.

I rolled my eyes. ' He never learns can he, wait until he meets the princess and he will change his mind,' I thought and I started to grinned when we were at the compound already.

I slammed open the door and ran to the main room, " MADARA!," The entire Uchiha Family glance at me.

" OI BOY, How dare you just brust into someone's house, Have I not taught you well," My father said. Tajima rolled his eyes.

" Butsuma, would you like to meet my grandchild," Tajima said to the older man, He nodded.

" Aiya Dear, come here," Aiya moved to her grandfather's side and glance to the senju family.

Hashirama's eyes sparkle at the sight of the child again, Tobirama glance in awe but showing it. Butsuma was trying to process if this girl is even an Uchiha, she sure is a true beauty.

" You have a beautiful grandchild, Tajima," Butsuma said, " And A pretty daughter, Madara," Hashirama said.

Madara got anoyed and threw a cup at him.

" Grandpa, is that the uchiha girl," All Uchihas landed on the young boy who was the same age to Aiya.

" Yes, Haru," Butsuma said. " My grandson, Hashirama's son," Butsuma said. the uchiha family hum in return.

Haru approach the uchiha girl. Who was beside her grandfather. Madara eyed the boy suspiscioiusly. " Hi, I'm Haru Senju, You're so pretty," The young boy said. Aiya blushed at the compliment.

" Thanks, I'm Aiya, Aiya Uchiha," She said in a gentle tone. A vein pop out of Tajima's forehead.

" BUTSUMA, GET YOUR GRANDSON AWAY FROM MY GRANDDAUGHTER, SHE IS OURS TO SPOIL!," The older Uchiha said and held the young girl close to his chest.

The rest of the Uchiha family laughed at the former head's protective nature.

Aiya laughed at her grandfather's silly nature and snuggled to him close, she's happy here in the afterlife and she is finally at peace.

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