Aiya Uchiha info

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Name: Aiya Uchiha

Age: 5 years old

         12( during death)

Family: Madara Uchiha( Father)

               Unamed mother

               Tajima Uchiha( Grandfather)

             Izuna Uchiha( Uncle)

Personality: Aiya is soft spoken child, which she inheired from her mother, She is terrified with her father and grandfather due to her gender, They would not accept her execpt for Izuna, Izuna was more to a father to Aiya then to her real father/

Kekkei genkai: Sharingan

Clan: Uchiha clan

Appearance: Aiya has long straight hair with oryx eyes and pale skin, She usually seen wearing her kimono or a blue dress.

During her death( execution) as a young teen, She wear a white yukata and bare foot, her hair was freely down.



Aiya was born of Madara Uchiha and his wife, due to his wife's death and the tradition of his clan to have a male child, He didn't kill her, but treated her horribly. Her father and grandfather would always critizie her why is she born.

While Izuna was kind and gentle to the child and would always conforted her if he's brother does anything harsh to the poor girl. and that was enough for young Aiya, she just needed someone who cares about her, either their family or not.

When she turned Twelve years old, She was executed due to her grandfather's orders, being a disgrace to the uchiha clan, that was when Madara finally realized that how important was Aiya to him, not because she looks like her mother, it was because how patient she it to him.

When is was the great fourth ninja war, She was reanimated together with the four hokages and explained how she died and stopped her father.

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