A Late Night Meeting

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Sorry this one is a little late, it required more research that I imagined. I also wanted to make sure I included everything I could, so that lengthened how long this took.

This is your gentle reminder that Nicole is very American and Fred is very British ;)

Back when Nicole lived in New York, her sister Kate was an activist in wellness. She'd constantly bagger Nicole into fruit cleanses, cleaning her apartment, goat yoga, cat cafes, and of course read on mental health practices often. So, Nicole knew the tips and tricks on breathing techniques, the 54321 senses method, and how to attempt to deal with the whirlwind of emotions that accompanied human life.

These were all coming in handy right about now.

Especially after a particular letter made Nicole consider if this hatched plan had just made her life messer.

A letter from her least favorite Weasley.

Dear Nicole,

Hello dear, I'm afraid we might have gotten off on the wrong foot. I'd love to get to know you properly, so stop by for tea sometime. If you'd like to bring along my son with you, I need to speak with him as well.

Molly Weasley

So, with disaster in hand in the form of a motherly scrawl, Nicole stormed off to Weasleys Wizard Wheezes.

The front door let her in for some reason, even though it was far after closing hours. She walked through the dark storefront which she found eerie with the staleness of stagnate merchandise, without laughter.

A light was on in the office, so she walked that way, tapping on the door gently. "What's up Fred?" called George.

"It's not Fred."

"Oh Nicole, come in!"

She opened the door to find George working at a desk, not facing her, hard at work on some papers. "Who would have thought you actually have to do math when running a business?"

Nicole chuckled, slowing walking inwards, eyes caught on the moving pictures on the walls. Fred and George at Hogwarts. A picture signed "Number one Champion" by a someone with a funny name, possibly the brown haired, pretty boy in the picture. A newspaper clipping of the first day they opened the shop.

George had turned his chair to face her, watching her look to their photographic history. She was slightly startled when she caught his stare, "I'm sorry, you left the door unlocked so I just came in."

"Nope, it's locked. Freddie was working on a charm for it, to allow you in whenever you'd like."

She shallowed the shock in her throat, "Really?"

George turned back to his papers, nodding, "Reckon he must trust ya."

A pause, "Do you?"

"If Freddie likes you that's all I need. You're welcome here whenever you'd like Nicole."

She smiled down at her shoes, "Well...thanks. I'll leave you to your work."

He turned in the chair, "Hey remind Fred he owes me, alright?"

"Sure thing." With that, she turned and left him in the office, leaving the door slightly cracked just like how she had found it. She manuvered her way to the spiraling staircase towards the back and right up to the deep purple door.

This one opened as well.

The apartment was dimly lit, shadows on the walls flickering from candlelight as soft music poured into the room. She found Fred Weasley humming to himself as he tossed salad. She stood there, bewildered to engage in this act of voyuerism, witnessing a chaotic man acting calm when no one was watching.

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