A Ministry Document

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A/N: AHHH hey everyone, so excited for you all to read!
Any possible trigger warnings I can think of for a chapter will be noted. More serious ones will have indicators in the chapter just in case you need to skip.

Also i'm rushing this out so it there are errors, ill go back and get them later. Enjoy!

CW: Drug use (weed)

It was a normal day, she recalled. The day her life went to shit.

Nicole Morris was busy at her little desk, scratching down words with her quill like it was all she had been programmed to do. Currently, she was hard at work on a segment, casting a protean charm to quickly change the news on today's Evening Prophet.

Everyday was always the same, taking brunt work, doing the most challenging, undesirable tasks in hopes of someday writing the segments herself, or better yet, networking her way into publishing the next great wizarding novel. This resulted in long hours, consuming unhealthy amounts of caffeine, and a messy desk.

Though, she never imagined that one of those little issues would soon blow up right in her face.

"Hey New York," Dacian Doss slammed down another stack of papers. "These are due by the end of this week."

She tried to keep her voice even, not showing any annoyance at her boss, "It's Friday."

"So get them done today New York." He was snapping his fingers, waving a hand in the air that signaled back to work to all the other people crammed in an office big enough for one.

Looking over at her best friend in the office, Estrella, she mouthed 'sorry' to her, before returning to her own work.

Nicole was scrambling, trying to ignore the chatter of her office mates. Her closest friend, Estrella, wanted to write on muggle history. Faridah wanted to be a political journalist, lobby for change. Lee, though not an office mate was an actual journalist here for the Daily Prophet, was the sports writer. Her final officemate, Nix, wanted to be just like Lee, so much so that he was constantly sucking up to him for attention and praise.

She wasn't sure when she befriended Lee, or how. Maybe he took her under his loud, boisterous wing.

Still, the two were close within the office but that was simply it. Beyond the couple of lunches with Estella, Nicole found making friends in a new city challenging.

Not that she had time for friends anyway. Too many fantastical plans. Plans that received little attention due to the ever towering pile of parchment at her side constantly.

Anya, another one of the bosses, walked in the room, thick Russian accent present as she called Nicole. "Hey Nika? We just received an owl for you from the Administrative Registration Department."

Nicole set down her quill, leaving the ever present thundercloud of words in her mind. "Sorry?"

Anya was busy screaming down the hall to her newest intern Garza, yelling at them about how the colors of the ink changed a few weeks ago.

Nicole was getting antsy, "Anya, what did you say about the Ministry?"

Anya rushed over, forcing Nicole out of her chair, the latter shoveling items into her satchel as quickly as she could before a hand on her back guided her out the door.

"But I wasn't done with the piece on-"

"That doesn't matter now. Listen I know you aren't from here but when you get a letter that looks like that from the Department of Magical Law Enforcement and the International Magical Office of Law, you go to the Ministry."

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