A Letter Arrives

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Nicole hadn't heard from her fiancé in two days.

Without work and the distraction taking the shape of red hair and a goofy grin, she found herself quite bored.

She knew this time would be beneficial if used towards her manuscript, but every scribble of her quill ended in a crumpled ball, littering her floor. Milton at least found use in them, batting them around between his paws.

Her apartment was still disorderly. A few flourishes of her wand had cleaned the dishes, at least that was something.

The one thing productive she had done was jot down a list of the big players she needed in her novel. Of course, Harry Potter's name came first, followed by the infamous Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley.

As she swirled the tail of the y in Weasley, her mind went back to her own Weasley to be.

Her list continued,

Fred Weasley.

George Weasley.

She didn't know much about them, in reality. But, in time, she planned to know everything. She had to, for her own legality in this nation. So, why did she feel guilty about the thought of prying into his world?

A snowy owl landed on her windowsill, a bundle of letters coiled in twine between its tight beak. With a hoot and a little treat, the white bird flew on its way.

Nicole had learned her lesson, now actively attending to the bundle, prying letters apart. One was from her sister in New York. Two from her mother. One from Estrella, probably wondering why her desk was empty now. One with a rich green wax seal and a golden 'M' caught her eye as she frantically ripped it open.

Her interview was scheduled right before Fred's. Only two weeks from now.

Would that be enough time to learn about one another?

She signed this one, folding the paper back into the envelope and promising herself to take to the Owl Post later today. Another letter, with a seal of purple, shimmered before her. She ran her fingers over the lifted 'W' before ripping it open in a haste.

My dearest Nicole,

Alas, my love, I long for your face. I...

A bit was scratched out and she could not attempt to make out the letters. She lifted a long purple piece of paper, which floated up to reveal a coupon for Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes.

I don't know how people wrote love letters so long ago. I tried at least. George made fun of me for writing this so I of course had to show off that first line. Anyway, come up my shop later this week, maybe Tuesday? We need to get to know each other and you ought to see the shop, for the segment of course.

Looking forward to it, honey pie.

Fred Weasley

P.S. I threw in the 'honey pie' just because I knew you would love it.

A laugh fled her nostrils. "So the pet name war continues," She mumbled to herself.

Still, she was beyond eager for Tuesday to arrive and by the time it did, she had to convince herself not to linger outside the door before they opened. She found distraction in attempting to style her hair, splashing on a bit of makeup, and talking herself up in the mirror. Once all that was marked off her to do list, Weasleys Wizard Wheezes was only opened for about an hour.

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