An Unexpected Yet Expected Meeting

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A/N: Do I know my stuff about immigration law? Absolutely not. Am I pretending I do? Sure. Did I make it a bit more dramatic than it needed to be? Absolutely I did.

Nicole was set in her ways when she woke up. Somehow it had melted into the scenario before her now, pacing the living room and talking out loud to her cat.

Nicole had had a lengthy discussion with Milton about how irrational Fred's plan was and how unlikely he was to actually be at the Ministry this morning. She also had to explain she just needed to go to the Ministry since she was after all...expected there as well. Milton, the true best friend he is, simply meowed once at her then strolled off to God knows where.

So with the advice of a meow, Nicole decided that meant he agreed. He was being deport too after all. She had two lives to think about. So, with rationally and a bit of sanity flying out the window, Nicole penetrated the green fire.


It seems sweaty palms and shaking knees were a common symptom of any Ministry visit. However, this time she knew just exactly what she would find. Or what she would lack.

Something deep within was telling her this man was trustworthy, a good guy at heart. Trust never comes easy but trusting the small voice in her head repeating a distant euphony composed of: he'll be here, he'll be here... wasn't too hard.

Maybe she was an optimist. Maybe she wanted to live in the fantasy she dreamed of writing someday.

But maybe...Fred Weasley would keep his word.

Sure enough, there he was, hands stuffed in his pockets. He was leaning against shadowy moss colored tile, looking around as if he didn't have a care in the world. As if he didn't propose to a women he only just met, last night.

Once he saw her he sprung up from the wall, silently smug as he slowly sauntered towards her. She was gently shaking her head, at what exactly she was unsure, but even so, a smile crept up her face.

He stopped exactly in front of her, bringing a fist to cover his mouth as he cleared his throat, mischief sparking in his eyes. "Excuse me...Nicole was it?"

She was smiling harder, trying to will herself not to be charmed by his retort as she lightly hit his shoulder. She couldn't find exactly what to say when the troublesome grin on his face tempered into a soft, genuine smile. "You came."

"I did."

They stood there, unsure of what to say exactly in the light of day, in sobriety, as wizards and witches moved around in a haste.

"So...we are doing this?" She couldn't believe he was asking. She couldn't believe she was nodding.

"Perfect, alright then. Off we go!" He turned around marching towards the ring of elevators though looked back when she didn't follow. "C'mon then, let's not wait all day!"

She slowly slinked forward, "And where are we going?"

He stilled, looking like her like she was speaking a different language. "What do you mean?"

"What do you mean?"

He chuckled at that, "Well we've got to get started haven't we?"

Nicole noted that communication was already something this "couple" would need to work on. "Start what?"

He scoffed, coming closer and whispering, "Keeping you in the country, duh!"

"And how do we start that?"

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