Once upon a time that had been her nickname for him as well.

"We... used to go to school together," Midorima answered for her.

Takao gasped. "Oh! So, you know all the other miracles too!"

Riyo shifted on her feet, twisting the hem of her shirt between her fingers. She ignored Takao's attempt at talking about the Kiseki no Sedai and asked Midorima, "What are you doing here?"

"That's what I'd like to know!" Kagami, who had stayed silent far longer than usual, piped up.

"We're here to train," Midorima replied pushing his glasses higher on the bridge of his nose. "And to think you're here on a vacation..." he added, muttering to himself.

"We're not on a vacation!" Kagami interjected heatedly.

"I am," Riyo chimed in with a noncommittal shrug. At least she was trying to be.

"We're here to train too!" Kagami announced.

An argument would have surely broken out between the two talented basketball players had they not been interrupted by Aida who had come looking for them. Riyo grabbed onto Takao and sort of used him as a human shield. The Seirin coach was nothing sort of terrifying as she was holding a meat knife and her clothes were covered in a crimson liquid that looked too much like blood for Riyo's comfort.

"Come on! Breakfast is ready!" Aida called to them.

They parted ways with the Shutoku players and made their way to the kitchen. It was relatively small but held enough tables and chairs to accommodate the entire team. Riyo chose a seat between Kagami and Hyuuga. The easy flow of conversation around her was somehow soothing. Still, she didn't eat much. It just wouldn't go down. Though she did sneak a piece of meat wrapped in a napkin into her pocket for Iverson.

That day Seirin played scrimmages against Shutoku. They lost them all. Partially because instead of playing, Kagami was sent to run out on the beach. For the players, it was a hard day of working and training.

For Riyo, it was a day she mostly spent looking after the dogs, playing with them, and teaching #2 how to spin. Though, she did take a long nap cuddling with them and absent-mindedly scribbled some notes in Aida's new playbook. She hadn't meant to snoop, it had just sort of happened when Tetsuya 2 had knocked over her bag and the notebook had fallen to the floor.

Riyo had also thought about calling Momoi. Even held the phone in her hand and let her thumb hover over the call button but she couldn't bring herself to call. She couldn't have it both ways. Either she was in Momoi's life or she wasn't and leaving Touou meant she was out. No more Momoi and no more Aomine to worry about. Or to laugh with...

The next day was much of the same, more training. Riyo taught #2 how to fetch a bottle of water. She took the dogs to the beach while the others practiced. She even helped Aida cook dinner, even though she was probably more in the way than any help. And then she ate with the team. 

When Riyo was about to fall asleep that night, Iverson whined alerting her that he needed to go outside. She groaned but kicked her feet off the bed. She didn't have a choice. Grabbing a leash and her key she shushed the dog that was giving her a pleading look. She didn't want to wake Aida who was snoring softly in her bed.

"I'm moving as fast as I can," she whispered to him.

Riyo tiptoed to the door and let herself and Iverson out and into the hall where she relaxed enough to walk normally and stretch her legs a bit. She connected the leash to his collar and Iverson instantly pulled her to move faster toward the door.

Vicious || Aomine D.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя