Chapter Six: Mila Meets A Baby

Comenzar desde el principio

Kara snaps more photos, then leans down to grab Jax out of Mila's arms. She pouts when he's taken away and makes grabby hands at me. I lift her up and set my girl on my hip.

"Do you mind if a nurse Jax in here? He's hungry and I'm trying to keep him on a feeding schedule." Kara asks while bouncing Jax in her arms.

"You're more than welcome to use my office. Little Mila here still nurses too." I smile and walk over to my desk, sitting down in my chair.

Mila immediately goes for my shirt as soon as I'm sat down. "Hold on, pea. Give Mama a second."

Kara gets Jax situated on her breast and I begin unbuttoning my blouse. Mila latches on without problem, staring up at me while she drinks.

"Does it hurt more since she has teeth?" Kara asks curiously.

"Not really. At first it did, but it doesn't anymore. She cut some teeth a few weeks ago and was accidentally biting me, but we're better now."

Kara seems to think about what I said and she bites the inside of her cheek. "I honestly don't think I could nurse until my baby is two. It's already killing me now."

"Then don't. You have to what's best for yourself. There's formula for a reason. I don't know if you know this, but Mila is adopted. We never had to use formula with her, but I would've if I had to."

Kara's eyes widen and she gasps, "No way she's adopted. She looks just like Theo."

"I know. My pea does look a lot like her Daddy, but no. We adopted her almost a year ago. In fact, this little one has a birthday coming up."

I tickle Mila's belly and she smiles at me. Milk dribbles out of her mouth and I'm quick to swipe it away.

"How old will she be?"

Damn, this answer is tough. Technically, she'll be fifteen. Theo and I are planning to have two celebrations for Mila. One for her little self and one for grown up Mila. We're planning to take her to Disney and then out to a nice restaurant. She doesn't know this yet and I'm super excited to tell her.

"Three." Is my simple answer. A lie never hurt anybody. Kara doesn't need to know that much about my personal life. She's a good work friend, but I know she'll judge our lifestyle.

"Kai iss Miwa." Mila babbles at me.

I have no idea what she's talking about right now. "What about Kai, baby?"

Mila continues to babble to me while making no sense whatsoever. I just nod and smile at her. It's clear that she's done nursing, but her mouth is still around my nipple.

"Who's Kai?" Kara inquires while burping Jax.

"He's my son. Theo and I fostered him before officially adopting him. Mila loves her big brother."

"How old is he? Six or seven?"

"He'll be seventeen in September."

"Wow. Anymore secret kids that I don't know about?" Kara jokes.

I point to the large portrait of Kai and Mila hanging up in my office and shake my head saying, "Nope, just those two trouble makers."

"They look like they have such a good bond."

"They do. He adored Mila the second he met her. Well, he was a little bit awkward but still tried to help out with her." I shrug my shoulders and set Mila back down on the floor, watching as she trots off towards Kara.


It's the end of my work day and I'm just packing some of my stuff up now. Mila ended up spending most of her time with Kara and Jax in my office. I can tell those two are going to be good friends.

"Are you ready to get going, pea? Kai is waiting on us at home."

"Yesth, Mama!" Mila nods and happily skips over to where I am.

I grab her hand and start leading her out of the dark office. Almost everybody's gone by now and it's quiet. It's eery and I want to quickly get out of here.

Mila's little legs make the trip slower, so I'm quick to pick her up and rush into the elevator. I hate being at the office late in the evenings, but I had to finish up what I was doing.

"Is scawy, Mama." Mila whines, shoving her face in my neck.

"I know it is, baby. We're almost downstairs."

The elevator doors open and I rush outside the building, heading to my car. It's dark outside and there's only a couple cars in the parking lot. I load Mila into the backseat and hand her a blanket.

"Here, pea." Mila smiles, but it drops and a look of pure terror crosses her face.

I straighten my back and go to turn around, when something hard hits the back of my head. My body falls to the concrete and a throbbing pain starts in the center of my head.

All I can hear are Mila's terrified screams. I'm trying to stay awake, but my head feels like it's filled with water.

"Where is it?" A male voice growls. It's deep and menacing. I'm terrified, but I'm more scared for my baby. She can't get out of her carseat and I can hear her screaming.

"Where's your wallet, bitch?" The voice growls again.

There's a kick to my ribs and I grunt saying, "Diaper bag."

My words are slurred and my tongue feels thick. I can hear somebody rummaging around in my bags. They can take my wallet for all I care. Just don't touch my child.

"Pretty little thing you are. Do you want to come with me?" The man asks.

"Mama!" Mila screams. I can hear her thrashing around in her carseat and the man bellows, "Fucking little shit bit me!"

My eyelids start to droop right as I hear sirens. That's when I know it's okay to give in to my sleepiness. The last thing I hear is the pounding of footsteps running away.

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